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Adrian's P.O.V

I was on my way back when a familiar streak of grey ran towards me. I quickly got off the horse and ran to it.
"What are you doing here? Where is Y/N?"  She shifted into a human and tears fell down her face.

"Alpha told me to come and get you! The man who attacked my family is with her! He stabbed her after trying to kill me!" She hugged me and cried. I picked her up and quickly got on the horse before going at top speed back to the parlour.

<lil time skip cause shits about to go down>

I slammed open the door to my shop and the smell of fresh blood hit me. Y/N was sat up against the wall, barely conscious as a man stood by her.

"Get the fuck away from her now!" I kicked him backwards and ran over to my beautiful Y/N.

"Adrian... Don't kill him." She mumbled and a few tears fell down my face. She had lost too much blood, no magic or treatment could save her now.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone! I need you to do something for me ok?" She looked up at me and nodded, pain filling her beautiful eyes.
"I need you to kill yourself. It's the only way you can survive." More tears fell down my face and she nodded. She pulled the knife from her torso and I looked away, not wanting to watch my amazing Y/N kill herself. I heard the knife drop and looked to see Y/N with her throat slit. I looked away before covering her with my coat. The door opened, revealing Grell.

"Adrian, I need to take the body." His voice was calm and quiet and I silently nodded my head. Lunaris whimpered beside me and I hugged her.

"C-call me when S-she..." I trailed off and Grell put his hand on my shoulder.

"Of course. Adrian, I promise she will be fine." I turned to the hunter who was still unconscious from my kick, his face wasn't visible so I stood up and walked over to him. I grabbed him and looked at his face.

"Bastard. Who could stab their own daughter?" I growled before dragging him towards the back. I wanted to kill him, but Y/N had said not to and she better have some good reasoning. I can only wait.

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