"Far Away" Spamano

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So this is Dedicated to two of my friends kaitlynn- and HoranHearAPizza. They really helped with editing and stuffs.  How ever this paticullar short will be physically dedicated to Kaitlynn because she helped pick out the song as well as a major bit in the editing so enjoy!~K

AU Short

Third Person POV:

Romano was in denial. He's been in denial since Spain left. Spain said he couldn't handle Romano any more, said he was an adult he could take care of himself. When Spain left, Romano started cleaning the house without protest. He took care of the tomato garden, all the things he hated doing when he was forced. However Romano thought that if he did these things Spain would see he had improved. Romano had been doing this for a year now. Romano could lie and say he didn't cry in the night. Just like the saying...he didn't love him until he lost him. 

Romano had just finished picking the ripe tomatoes and had just put his apron on to clean the house, when someone knocked on the door. Romano pawed away some of the dirt and sweat and went to the door opening it. "Ciao", He said as he looked up. There was Spain, his eyes full of sorrow and pride, a weird mix. Romano's eyes widen in surprise. "S-Spanga?" Romano asked tears welling up in his eyes. Romano quickly wrapped his arms around Spain crying into his shoulder. Spain returned the hug , tears overwhelming him too. Spain knew all too well that Romano would't continue to be an emotional person. 

Romano suddenly pushed away. Spain knew what was coming. "You-you bastard! How can you just leave me? And-and now you just expect me to let you back in again? And for what, so you can leave me again?" Romano shouted at Spain tears of sadness and pain now sliding angrily down his face. Spain smiled sadly, pulling Romano back into his chest. "I was trying to help you." Spain whispered to the crying Italian. "Your side of the country was so weak.... You needed to work on your own, and now look at you, you're so strong. You'll always be my little Roma." Spain finished. Romano looked up, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "So..so your not going to leave me again?" Romano asked. Spain shook his head and the two shared as soft smile and a kiss. "Let's go eat, we can have pasta and churro's, I know they're your favorite." Spain said, walking into the house with Romano in toll.

[Yay ^-^ Thanks again guys Vote Comment Suggest! Song in the external link~K

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