"Break Your Heart" UsUk/brother feels

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This song has two stories attached to it! Thanks Ronnie for being there it sorta inspired me and your opinion is always nice :D

First Story: Punk EnglandxPopular America School AU

Arthur's POV:

I was staring at him again.  'No stop it, it's no good to fall for him!' I yell at my self. I'll have to learn to hate him.  I mean he's one of the most popular guys at our school, he could probably get any girl he wants, or guy.  He was openly bi and that did nothing to his popularity. I noticed he was making his way over to me.  

"Hey Arthur!" Alfred said happily. I wanted so badly to continue this heart fluttering conversation but I couldn't. 

"Hi, excuse me I have to go..."  I say before slipping past him and heading down a hall.  I didn't have to go anywhere, but if I stayed around someone would get hurt.  Sure the hurt on Alfred's face was upsetting, but it was better than on of them getting hurt later.  Week after week I had completely ignored him.  Once upon a time I had at least had small talk with him when ever he came by, but now I was always walking away from him.  He always had that look like we was about to talk, but he stopped him self, when I walked away.  What didn't make sense was that, as each week went by, he was growing sadder.  I had even over heard some of his 'close friends' have a conversation about him.  

"It's not like him to drop grades like that.....and he didn't even fight for his spot when coach kicked him off. "  A Danish shared to some German. 

"I know he doesn't even eat at lunch anymore...I worried about him you know" the German replied. This made me wonder.  Why was Alfred suddenly sinking down?  Surely it wasn't because of me....right?  Eventually I decided to go ask him what was wrong.  

"Alfred are...are you ok?" I ask quietly as he sat in the lunch room.  I ignored the stares of his friends. I don't know what their outlook on me was, and I didn't really care.  Alfred looked up at me, his eyes were so dull... I swear I only blinked after that and his eyes were suddenly shining their original blue.  He pulled me into a hug.  

"Oh thank god your not ignoring me anymore!  I'm sorry if I did something....Please just don't ignore me anymore!"  Alfred said all in rush as he continued to crush my ribs.  If he wanted I swear he could have picked me up.  

"Mind letting go please?"  I don't know why I always got so polite and quiet around him.  'Maybe your nervous' my mind suggested and if it could, it would be smirking.  Slowly Alfred let go of me the smile never leaving.  

"Sorry Iggy!"  He replies cheerfully. 'Iggy?' I question my self.  

"Well anyways, can we go talk out in the hall?"  I ask. He nods grabbing my hand and walking away. 

After I explained why I had ignored him, and how he shouldn't dwell on me, he had kissed my quickly.  He complained that he liked me for a reason.  I then came to terms excepting my love for him.  

^~^ Awww so sweet xD 

Second Story: Big brother England and Little brother America

AU Story

America's POV:

I laughed at England as he tried yet again to cook something.

"Dude your cooking sucks seriously..." I laughed again.  For a second I could see a frown on his face before he hid it gritting his teeth in anger. The frown was enough however to make me realize how many times I had seen that frown.  I sat at the table my head in may hands as I was taken into my own little disturbing trip down memory lane.  I had really hurt him a lot hadn't I?  Even when I was small colony.  

Third POV:

"America?"  England questioned as he watched the younger man.  He seemed to be off in thought somewhere.  England walked over the America and set his hand on his shoulder gently.  America came out of what ever daze he was in and looked up at the confused Brit.  

"Listen England...I..i'm sorry about that, your cooking isn't that bad actually..." America said surprising England.  He could tell that there was a looming thought.  "Hey America don't worry I could use some practice I suppose."  Sure they were both referring to cooking skills but somehow they both knew what they were really referring to.  

Awwwwww Again. V C S~ K  

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