America Discovers Youtube...... (Group of songs)

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So this will consist of songs i plan on making into chapters later on, however in making this list i came up with a idea.....

Songs in this chapter may seem racist......please don't hate on me im not the owner of the songs...

Songs included: 

America fuck yeah, Canadian please, Fuck France, Osama bin found, Russia's gay, Canada, Don't be a playa Haiti, American idiot, Canadian idiot, I can walk on water, Ra ra Rasputin, Ikea, What does black say,  Montage team America, This is England, No one is to blame.

Au Short

Alfred sat at his desk, in his room, bored out of his mind.  That is until one of his friends sent him a link. Upon clicking on it he found that it was a play list on youtube labeled "Totally Awesome Songs".

Alfred rolled his eyes before starting the play list and leaning back in his seat as the first song came on. "America America. America fuck yeah! Coming again to save the mother fucking day yeah!"  Alfred was enjoying this song seeing as he was America.  He agreed ed with practically all the things they said "fuck yeah" to. However he hadn't noticed his younger brother Matthew behind him staring in shock at the song.  The next song started soon "Yeah I know you want to be Canadian please"  America found this song less interesting but happy it mentioned him.  Though it did remind him of a certain person, country...he just couldn't put his name on it. Matthew was still silently behind him smiling at the song.  

Matthew noticed that his papa had entered silently as well and waved at him but both looked terrified by the next song. "French fries and blue cheese on the side. I don't like France very much (honhonhon)" Francis had the nerve to go bash Alfred over the head but Matthew silently stopped him.  Might as well see what all these weird songs are about. 'What could be worse?" Matthew thought as America nodded to the beat.  He was enjoying his time now, no longer bored.  Though he could sense something but not sure what exactly.

England walked by Alfred's room noticing Francis and Matthew staring at the back of Alfred's head as he nodded his head. Arthur went in just in time to hear  "Tell the queen she can slobble on my nobble" 'Why that twat!' Arthur thought as he crossed his arms angry with the America. The whole time Alfred was just nodding and humming.  Scaring them all Russia walks in smiling as a new song comes on Alfred oblivious to the terror. 

"Russia is gay. Russia's gay and every one in it has aids.......I poooooor i sold my child for a simple voooodka.  When the wall came down it was a day when freedom won! Tell the truth its time to bomb Moscow when the games are done." Every one was all shaking their head in terror as Alfred laughed his obnoxious laugh Russia giving off a scary smile. America still laughing. 

Matthew was soon mad that he defended his brother for soon a song came on. "Canada i'd like to see them start a fight some day we'd probably beat them down to the ground at 5 am eh?" 

America was still laughing and humming boy was he glad Gilbert sent him the link.

Out of no where more countries came all staring at the sight soon offended and angry.  "Germans are lesbians. Listen I ain't playing with ya are we done fighting with Germany?.........Spanish people sound like they should be brown...maybe we can send them Mexicans.  Scottish people talk funny......Norway doesn't do anything We can't trust them I dont think. Im gonna carpet bomb french city's and since they speak french we gonna bomb Quebec"  America was still unaware of the tension in the room, nore the people.

"I don't wanna be an america idiot!"  America slouched in his chair a bit while the others smirked. Not long after " I don't wanna be a Canadian idiot!" This made Alfred laugh loudly and France had to pat Matthew on the back for support. 

"I Will never be afraid again I will keep on fighting 'till the end. I can walk on water i can fly i will keep on fighting 'till I die." America was nodding to the beat the song am musing him greatly.  As well as fixing his slightly hurt ego.

There was a song that peaked Ivan's interests. " Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey! There lived a man in Russia long ago"  This made Russia smile a genuine smile. 

Suddenly a song came on "Ikea just some oak and some pine selling furniture for college kids and single men." Denmark snickered quietly while Finland comforted the silent but angry Swed. 

"The white goes hi the canadia says eh and the mexican says hafe a night day.  Arab goes brrro french goes honhonhon."  Ameirca was now starting to notice the people behind him but uneasily tried to ignore it. 

America just shrugged it off smiling at the song singing about a montage. 

The next song made England smile happily a tear sliding from his eyes.  " This a land of Kings & Queens 

Cobbled streets, rivers & streams 
This is the land of Hope & Glory 
This is a land of beautiful places 
Fields of green & open spaces
This is the land of Hope & Glory"  

"No to blame.  You can be the fastest runner but you can't win the marathon."

Came the next song but they all knew who was to blame, America for making some offensive songs. America turned around and nearly jumped out of his skin.  "What are you all doing here?" He asked as they closed in on him. Wish him luck ;)

 [Yeah so my favorite song in the external link! vote comment suggest~K

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