Forgiven and Make up

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Melissa POV

I sat up alnight not having any sleep , just thinking about how I let her down, and the most beautiful locket I have ever had, and I forgot our anniversary, and that was the on that pissed her off, so suddenly I started seeing her moveing in her bed and rub her eyes, know that she waking up.

"Good morning sunshine" I said in a weakly voice and smile.

"Morning Mel" she said in a serious tone.

I look at her not in surprise when she called me Mel, because she always called me babe or baby, but from that I know she mad an still hasn't forgiven me yet or ever." Look I know your mad at my for last night ,but please can I make if up to you, pleassee" I said while clasping my hands together.

" I am not mad, am just hurt that you picked her over me" she said while climbing back in her bed to lay down.

"Hun please, you know am not going to pick he over you, your my first and last pick you know that,just please forgive me"

She let out a a hugh and stressful sigh with means she has forgiven me.

"Fine...I forgive you, its not like I had a choice... But a gonna sleep"

"What...your skipping school" I said in a shocked tone.

"Yep, all that crying and thinking has given me a stuffed nose and and a headache" she says holding her head.

"Do want me to stay with you?" While walking to her bed and sitting on it.

" I just need some rest and besides you have a test to take...right?"

"Right, but you more important to me and I can take a make up test."

"You don't have to yo--" she was cut of  by me .

" look am the reason for all this, the least I can do is be with you when your sick" I said cupping her face in my hands and she smiling at me weakly.


"No buts, that's finally, scoot over " I said while getting in the bed and putting my a ms around her small tummy.

"Fine...its not like a have a choice" she say while putting her hands on mind, how I long for her to touch me again.

"I love you so much and thank you for forgiving me "

"Your welcome, and don't doubt that I don't love you okay" she says kissing my left cheeck, then my cheecks turn pink, because I was blushing so hard that I could feel the heat on my face."I love that I can make you blush" she says that whiling smiling a bright smile on her face. " And I am glad that I can make you smile even when I don't deserve it." I said in a sad tone.

" look, I love you, even when you mess up and when your all pitch perfect" she said in a reasurring smile.

" okay" I said and leaned in a gave her a peck on the lips and I look and her cheecks and she was blushing." Now look who's blushing" I said with a smirk on my face and she was biting her lips."Dammit...stop biting your lips, you know that turns me on" I said turning my head away from her face.
She used her index finger to turn my face to her" that's what I want to do" she said while smirking at me.

Then we started kissing and that kiss was not any normal kiss, I got goosebumps, for the first time for a girl...she is my soulmate, but why do I have a crush on SAM... Oh well I can't think about now, I just want to think about this kiss.

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