Chapter 47

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I'd barely spoken to Allison within the last month. It's only now that she's started reaching out to everyone.

As we walk inside, Scott sees Allison and looks upset.

"What are you-" she stops him,

"I'm not helpless. Just shut up and tell me what happened to Cora."

On the way here, Allison told me what she knew; Cora was in trouble.

Scott looks hurt. He turns away and walks into the other room Deaton was in (and presumably Cora).

Derek decides to tell us what happened, "It's been going on or a few weeks. It started off with Cora having nightmares. Waking up screaming, then coughing up blood. A couple weeks later, we get a letter from the Lykaios telling us that we'd pay for the murder of their leader. Then today she collapsed."

"Hold on, if we killed their leader... Who's leading them now?" I say.

"They must have a second in command." Stiles says.

"Well, who could it be?" Allison asks, her chin resting on her hand.

"Well, who's sadistic and hates wolves?" Stiles says.

"Almost every wolf hunter ever..." Derek says, slumping against the wall.


"Derek! We have some new information! I'm not sure whether you'll like it, though." Deaton shouts.

We all walk into the next room and he reads out a letter, "'Want to save your precious she-wolf? We have the antidote. Better get here fast, she hasn't got much time...'"

I grab the letter from him and read it myself.

'...she hasn't got much time...'

I scrunch it up in my hands.

I face Deaton, "How long would it take you to finish your antidote?"

He purses his lips, "Two weeks, a week, maybe."

I stare down at the floor and drop the letter.

"Well, then, we better go and get it ourselves. Scott, Stiles, Isaac, with me."

"Derek, wait. I suggest... I suggest that you take Cora with you. She hasn't got long." Deaton says.

I nod and gesture for Malia.

She gets up and carries Cora carefully.


As I sat in the back off Stiles' jeep, I stared down at Cora. Her eyes were closed and she looked peaceful. I swear to God, I was going to kill whoever did this to her.

I kissed her forehead and held her tightly, making sure she didn't move around too much.

"It's going to be fine-" Stiles begins. I stop him. "They knew for weeks. She knew. She didn't tell me..." I looked down at her again. I've never loved and wanted to hit someone so much in my life.

I had time to scream at her once she gets better.

If she gets better.


I was still running through the black abyss, screaming Malia's name, trying to find a way out. There was no luck.

I stopped running and sat down, closing my eyes.

I put my head in my hands and began to cry. I shouldn't have lied to Malia. Maybe she could have helped me.

Then we wouldn't be in this situation.

If only I was awake, maybe I'd be more helpful.

They're probably carrying me around like a sack of potatoes right now.

They better be safe, or I'll kill then myself.

I swear to God if they've gone somewhere or done something stupid for me, I will kill them.

I wasn't worth it.

I'd probably die soon anyway.

I lay down on the black floor and put my hands behind my head, staring up into the black abyss.

"I'm sorry, guys." I say.

I close my eyes and try to sleep.


"Just because in pregnant doesn't mean I'm hopeless!" I shout.

Lydia and I were at Deaton's while he worked downstairs, trying to see if he could make up an antidote.

There was no point in him trying.

Lydia was sat on the table, looking at the wall behind me.

"I know he's only trying to help, but I just don't get why I can't go out there-"

She stops me.

"Stop it. Just stop it. Allison, do you want to know why you can't go out there? It's because you have a human being growing inside of you. A human being that a lot of people want dead," She says,

"Ever since your dad died, it's like you don't even care anymore, and you know what, Allison? That's pretty damn selfish! If he saw you right now he would probably freak! Allison, Scott's only trying to protect you. And I know it can be a little annoying sometimes, trust me, I have Stiles. But you are fragile at the moment. You have not only yourself, but Ally to look after. Just try to understand."

I stare at her for a moment before breaking down into tears.

Lydia was right.

I had to protect not only myself, but the baby.

My baby.

Scott's baby.

And by doing what I was doing, I was being a selfish bitch.

She jumps off of the table and walks over to me, embracing me. I hug her back, still crying. "I'm sorry... You're right... You're so right..." I cry into her shoulder.

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