Chapter 1

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This is my first story... I hope you like it and please give me any feed back.......

Today is the day I have been waiting for.... I am finaly turning 18 and can leave this horrible place behind me. I look outside and see the sun just rising and before I can even enjoy this moment I hear a banging at my door. I know who it is even before they start screaming......

"Helen...... get your fat, ugly as$ out here", screamed my older brother Jace.

Uhh.. what does he want this early in the morning.

I slowly slid out of my bed letting my long tan legs stretch before getting out of bed. I quiclkly run to take a quick shower before dealing with him. Soon as I get out the yelling is still going.

I brush my long blond hair up in a ponytail and pull out a pair of black shorts and white tank top. Throwing a hoddie over my head. I don't even bother with make up no one thinks I am worth looking at. All they see when they look at me is Jace's little sister. But as I stare at my self in the mirror I know I am beautiful, I know I am not fat I am 5'7, with a flat stomach and toned legs from running but no one ever looks close enough to see that.

As I slowly walk out of my bedroom and down the stairs. I notice everyone is in the kitchen eating. I walk to the fridge and grab a coke and poptart not bothering to join them in their fest. I know where I am not welcomed because for the past four years since my parents died I have received the same uwanted treatment since my brother stepped up to be Alpha.

Did I forget to mention I am a werewolf, and we live at the pack house with a bunch of my brothers friends who are in our pack.

I walk out the front door and take a seat on the steps to wait for whatever my brother has to say to me.

He knows where to find me because its the same thing everyday. As I wait for my list of things to do that I know is going to keep me busy for most of the day.

Since my brother is my only family he got custidy of me since I wasnt of age when my parents passed away. Since he was busy being Alpha I got treated like the servent doing whatever he asked because I learned the hard way of what happends when I ignore him or tell him no. I would get a bruised face or bruises all over me from the kicking he would give me. In a way I feel that its is way of relasing his anger and I am just his punching bag.

As I sit here eating my poptart I start to think about my parents funeral its been four years since the accident and it stills feel like it was yesturday.

four years ago

.....I can't believe they are gone. I loved my parents so much and now here I am staring at their head stones. My brother being the sweet brother he is came and stood beside me with his arm around my shoulder, we just stood their with the cold wind blowing in our face and the tears running down our face.

It started to rain so my brother started to pull me away. "Come on Hell you can't stand out here forever, you are going to catch a cold and that wont bring them back." Jace told me.

" You don't think I know that," I screamed at him. "they aren't coming back and thats on me. If I hadn't called them, if I didn't get lost they would of been at home safe,  but no..... no. they were driving to get me because ........"

Jace looked at me with a weird expression on his face trying to figure out what I was about to say. He asked me everyday since the accident what happend for me to call my parents out of the house at 1 in the morning but I would never tell him. How could I tell me what really happen what would he think of me if he knew the truth.

"HELEN..... HELEN......"Jace yelled while waving a hand in my face. "DAMN IT HELEN ANSWER ME."

that shook me out of my thought...... just as his hand came across my left cheek. grabing my face with my hands to avoid getting hit again Jace pulled me up by the hod of my hoodie so I was facing him.

I started at him with shooked eyes I couldn't beleive he just hit me for nothing.... I wasn't even expecting it. Ususally I have time to brace myself for the hit.


I  slowly nodding my head in agreement.

"Good, now go clean the guest rooms, a new pack of twelve is coming and they are staying here." Jace informed me before turning around and going back into the house.

Just great thats just what I wanted to do, clean a bunch of rooms at least that will keep me busy until I leave to go to work tonight. I picked myself up slowly wonder what this new pack would be like.... I just hope they are nice...... I hope so.... I really hope soo... as I pushed in the front door to go up stairs to get ready.


So this is my first chapter I hope you like please comment and vote.

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