chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning with the biggest headache... As I stretched my arms out I reallized I was not alone. Rolling over on my side to see Jamie staring down at me....Just as I was about to say something my bedroom door flew open..

great just what I needed this morning.....

I screamed and grabbed for a cover to cover up my body since I realized I was just in my bra and underwear knowing they could see my true size.

Thats all I needed them figuring out what I really look like I can't believe Jamie would be so stupid and not even put a shirt on me. He knows they walk in here when every they want something. I sure am going to give him a piece of my mind later.

Jamie jumped up out of the bed ready to fight looking around to see what was going on. As soon as it registred that he was in my room and what was going on.

Jamie he quickly stood up in front of me blocking their view which I was very thinkful for so I could get my self in controll. As I looked around Jamie I saw my brother and Brittani with matching smirks on their face.

I smaked my self in the head with my hand I knew what was coming and I just feel bad for Jamie because he is going to get so much for this.

"So what do we have here..." smirked my brother walking over to Jamie who was standing in his boxers.

"Get out Jace you have no right being in here." Jamie told him not moving his stance in front of me.

Jace looked from Jamie to me and just shook his head telling us that the new pack was about to arrive and that we were wanted down stairs. Just as Jace stepped out of the door Brittani turned around and looked Jamie up and down and winked.

Soon as they left Jamie walked to the door to shut it and lock it behind him. He turned around with a huge smile on his face.. I realied I was still clotching the blanket and let it drop to the ground. Jamie just looked me up and down than tackled me to the bed tickling me.

" Jamie stop. stop. that tickles stop" I screamed wiggling underneath him.

"Say the word.... Say the word and I will stop"

Cookie.... Cookie... I scream... looking up into his eyes which just shined with amusement.

I hate when you do that to me.

Awww you know you love me.....

Yeah I do and you know they probable think that you and me had sex last night so you might get shit for it later Jamie...

Jamie just looked at me and smiled telling me that he was my best friend and they could talk all they wanted because he would always be there for me...


Taking a deep breath Jamie and I got dressed with me adding a few extra layers for padding and walked down stairs. Soon as we walked in the kitchen I stopped to listen to a few of the guys in the pack who had been with Jace last night at the club....

did you see the girl with the mask........ man she was so hot I wish i would of saw her later

she had such a sexy body, i wouldn't mind getting my hands on that ass.

i want to take her to my room and not let her out for a week just making her scream my name.

As I  Walked to the fridge I heard them talk about a dancer and how hot she was and how they all wouldn't mind to bang her.... I just shook my head I couldn't believe guys thought that about me.

I just stopped and looked over at Jamie who had his hands over his mouth trying so hard not to laugh because they were talking about me in front of me and not even realizing it.

I stated to make pancakes enough to feed the whole pack. I placed a stack of plates and the pancakes on the table making sure there were several stackes so everyone would have enough.

As soon as everything was on the table I told Jace the food was done and he mind linked the pack and they started to file in the kitchen getting their food.

I stood by the sink with a glass of orange juice in my hand watching everyone get their food. A few pack members walked by saying thank you and continuing to eat their food. I just nodded and watched them eat until everyone finished.

 Just as everyone was finish eating I started washing the dishes to get it done with before Jace decided to yell at me to do it.  I was just cleaning the last of the dishes when the door bell rang.


I really hate how he treats me i wish at times things would of been different for me. That I would for met my mate, fell in love, and than lived happly ever after. That way I could of left this place behind me. BUt I was so wrong. I will never get my happy ever after.

I took a deep breath, and stared out the kitchen window, I hope this new pack is better than ours.

Dropping the wash cloth in the sink I walk to the door.

My wolf started going crazy the closer I got to the door. I didn't understand what was going on, she hasn't been happy for the past few years. She usually just stays hidden and only comes out the few times that I go for a run.

Shaking my head and ignoring my wolf I walk over to the door wondering what has gotten in to her.

 I slowly opened the door not even paying attention to who is standing there until I am pulled and pushed up against the front door I just opened.

Sorry for the short upload but I wanted to put something up.......... Who do you think is at the door????

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