chapter 7

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. I didn't even have time to speak before Jame launches himself at Luke........


"Jamie....... Stop.......Jamie", I scream at him as he tackles Luke to the floor and starts punching him in the face.

Next thing you know lukes pack has Jamie up against the wall hitting him when Luke yells for them to release him.

Jamie falls to the floor holding his face which has blood coming from his lip. I couldn't not believe that just happend. My best friend just attacked my mate.

I look over at Luke as he starts to stand up. I feel bad that Jamie attacked him.

My brother looks amused about whats going on I wonder if he is going to be laughing when he knows the truth.

Brittani walks into the room and sees all the blood and turns around and runs out. I should of known she would run away from the scene instead of staying to help.

I am suprised when she comes back to the room with a hand full of towels and hands one to Jamie than walks over to Luke to help him wipe it of his face. I should of known she was up to something.

As soon as i see her touch him I loose it. My wolf was asking to break her hand off. She was screaming Mine in my head over and over again.

I leave Jamie on the floor and walk over to her and pulled her away from Luke.

Soon as she sees its me she smiles and thinks she can push me. As soon as she places her hand on my shoulder I twist her arm around her back than throw her across the room. Once she hits the wall I am on her already with my fist in her face and I let her have a piece of my mind because I am tired of her pushing me around.

"Brittani stay the hell away from Luke he is MINE, I growl. You already tricked my brother into treating me like shit and he was the only blood family I had left after my parents and I will not let you take my mate." she stared at me with a confused expression on her face.

"If he was your mate where is his mark on you?" she said with a smirk.

With that I punched her in the face.

I walked over to Jamie and took a clean towel in his hand. I noticed now that we had almost the whole pack standing in the front room of the house watching eveything unfold but I didn't care. I took a glass of water off the table and poured it on the towel and placed it on my neck taking off the thick patch of makeup I had applied there to cover up Lukes mark. As soon as it revieled everyone started whispering about it and wondering when it happend.

I silenced the whole group as I started pulling off the three layers of clothing I had on over my tank top and removed the two sweat pants over my shorts.

As I stood there in my tank top and shorts I noticed eveyone staring at me wondering if their eyes were playing games on them. I looked at Luke and saw his mouth drop open and he realized what I truely looked like.

I walked over to my brother as they stared at me I smirked and said, "By the way that was me on the stage at the club last night so don't think anything about her thats just gross and if you don't beleive me I will be there again tonight." Smacking him on his chest.

While looking at the group I smile. "At least tonight I can leave in my normal clothes instead of all of the big clothes I normally wear"

I turned around to see Jamie smiling at me. I waved for him to come and stand by me as I started to walk up the staires to my room I turned around to see everyone staring at me.

" Oh. by the way I wont be cleaning or cooking anymore your on your own, also Luke if you want to discuss us later you know where I wll be. Its the same place we meet except I work there now."

With all of that said I turned and walked up staires leaving eveybody to discuss the new events that just happend.

I was so excited when I entered my room I was bouncing up and down  I could not believe I just did that infront of everyone. It is the first time I have really smiled in this house and felt like I was starting to heal since my parents death.

I decided to turn on some music and work on my routine for tonight since eveyone knew now I didn't have to hide what I was doing or act like the old me. I was finally my self again and I was so excited to just be me.

I had just finished dancing and was laying on my bed when there was a knock at my door. I figured it was Jamie because no one ever bothered to knock except him. So I when I opened the door to find my brother standing there looking down at his feet with a sad expression on his face I was shocked.

I opened the door and waved my hand for him to come in with out talking. As soon as he came in he sat down on my bed with his head in his hands. I walked over to him with out saying a thing and waited for him to speak.

We sat there for about five minutes until Jace looked at me and asked the question I have been avoiding for four years now "What happen the night mom and dad died?"

I knew this was coming as soon as everything happend down stairs so I took a deep breath and told him the truth for the first time in four years. I told him about the beach, going to the club and meeting Luke, how he took me to the park, the marking, how he left me there, and than how mom and dad died. When I was finished telling him the story I was in tears and he was pissed I didn't even have time to regestar that he was moving towards my door until It hit the wall and he was storming down the hall going into one of the new rooms.

As I ran after him I noticed he had someone agains the wall hitting them over and over again. As I got closer I noticed it was Luke and he was just letting him hit him.

I walked over and pulled Jace off screaming for someone to come in and help me. It didn't take long for several people to come in an pull Jace off Luke. As I looked over Lukes bruises and placed a towel over his face to stop the bleeding I looked up at Jace and asked him "Do you feel better now?"

With that said he looked at me with a weird expression and said" actually yeah"

I turned to Luke and started to stroke his face letting my touch comfort him. I helped him up and walked him over to his bed. As I sat down beside him I realized I was holding his hand...

I realized I needed his comfort and his touch. He is my mate and I needed him to be with me. Than like a bucket of cold water being thrown on me I remembered four years ago and the way he left and knew I couldnt feel that way again so with all my stregth I stood up and walked out of his room with out looking back as he started to call after me telling me to come back.

I walked down the hall to my room and looked out the window I reallized it was already starting to dark  looked at the clock and saw it was  already 7:30pm so I walked into the bathroom and took a shower so I could get ready for work.

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