chapter 8

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I walked into work with my head held high and the energy to be able to do anything I wanted. I had about half an hour until I go on and I didn't know who would actually show up after my reveal today but I didn't care. I have been doing this for so long I don't pay attention to the audience anymore.

I was relaxing in the back when Jamie came in and told me I had five minutes.

I stood up and gave him a big hug I was just so excited that I couldnt hold it in anymore.

As we stood there talking I as excited to go on stage to show my new self to everyone who showed. I heard my music start playing and I winked at Jamie and walked on stage and started to dancing. I wasn't even thinking when I was on there I just moved my body to the music working the pole and than finishing on the swing like I usually do. Soon after I finished my routine I finally looked out at the crowd and froze when I saw most of my pack standing there yelling my name.

My cheeks started to turn red and i just smiled and walked off stage towards Jamie.

I walked back to my changing room and placed on a cute outfit so I could go and enjoy the rest of my night. As soon as I walked into the club from the back everyone was talking to me and telling me how good it was.

I was so excited that they liked it and they were talkingto me instead of yelling at me. I was hoping things were going to change from now on.

As I walked toward my brother who was standing there with a look of shock he just pulled me in to his chest. I was so suprised by his action it took me a minute to respond. I slowly placed my arms around his waist returning the hug.

Jace pulled back and with tears in his eyes he told me," I love you sis, and I am sorry you were beautiful. I am so sorry for the way I have been treating you."

WIth those words tears started to form in my eyes but I held them back. I looked him in the eye and told him the truth." Its ok Jace, because with out you I wouldn't have become what I am today, And I like who I am. Yes you were mean but it made me a stronger person. So Thank you" And with that he pulled me into another hug.

After Jace and I made everything right I decided theire was one more person that I needed to make things right with.

I spotted him by the bar I slowly walked up to him and touched him on the shoulder.  Luke slowly turned around looking annoyed until he saw it was me and gave me a big smile. As I looked into his eyes and I got lost just like the first time I looked at him. I held out my hand to him and asked him the same question he asked me four years ago. "Would you like to dance with me?" 

Luke's smile got even bigger as he slowly stood up and took my hand in his and leading me to the dance floor.

We started dancing and as we danced we started to get closer to each other. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck as it sent shivers down my back. Luke started to kiss my shoulder and up until he reached my mark. As he started to kiss my mark a moan ecaped my lips. I turned around and looked him in the eyes I knew what I needed to do and where. I leaned over and whispered into his ear "lets go for a walk"

As soon as I said the words he grabed my hand and led me outside. As we walked down the street hand and hand I knew where we were going Its the place where everything started and ended for me. I walked to the swing and asked him what I had been wondering for the last few years.

"Why did you leave me here after you marked me"

Luke looked at me and his smile fell from his face he walked towards me and grabed my hands placing them in his. And told me what I had been wondering for four years now.

"Helen I am so sorry for that night, I saw you in the club and didn't care about what you looked like I just wanted you. And when we started dancing I knew that you were mine and no one else could have you. So when we went for the walk. My wolf was howling me to mark you and I tried to stop him but it was just to much. When I marked you I had such a strong feeling for you that it scared me so I decided to be a jerk and break your heart. I thought it would be the best thing for you" with that he looked down at our hands not saying anything else.

"Luke do you know what happen that night after you left me???? I called my parents to come get me and you know what happend. "

I didn't reallize I was walking until I was already at the spot staring at the three crosses on the side of the road. I dropped down to my knees and started messing with the flowers I had placed there just last week.

Luke looked down at the crosses and started to read the names and the date I watched as he looked at the date and started to think. When he realized it as the day we met he looked down at me with so much sorrow in his eyes that he realized the actions he had caused that night.

"Luke when you left me I called my parents to come and get me. and as soon as they got to this corner they were in a car accident and died. It was my fault that they died because if i didn't call them than they would of stated at home" I could feel the tears running down my cheeks.

I felt Lukes strong hands pull me up so he was holding me to his chest. I just started crying and letting all the pain for the past four years out. And when I was done crying I reallized i wasn't mad at Luke anymore I just wanted to be with him even though he broke my heart because with out him than I wouldnt be the strong person I am today. With that thought in my mind I pulled away from him and looked him in his eyes and asked him eveything I needed answered.

" Luke are you going to leave me again? Do you want to be with me and only me?"

As I waited for Luke to answer I felt my stomach doing flips and a nervous feeling and sad not wanting to be rejected again. Thats when I felt Luke place his hand softly on my chin pulling it up to look at him and he kissed me softly on the lips. He pulled back and told me "NO I will not leave you and Yes I want to be with you and only you" with that he pulled me back to his lips and started to deepen the kiss.

I didn't questions what was going on I was just going with what I was feeling I knew that I loved him and I hoped that he loved me. As soon as the thought entered my head I heard him whisper in to my ear " I love you helen. now and always"

WIth those words I knew that I would be okay and that sometime in the future I would be whole again Because now I had the person I was suppose to have my soulmate and my brother and I were finaly talking again.

And Jamie didn't have to hide my secret anymore so we could freely talk with no more whispers. I knew at that moment I was finally happy becaue I had the three most important men in the world and they all loved me for me.


The END.......... I hope you like it. I didn't want to drag the story out so I thought I would keep it short. Hope you liked it please comment and vote.



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