Chapter 3

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Un edited......... Enjoy..........

As Jamie and I entered the club I could feel the music vibrating off the walls and my hips automaticly started moving. I looked around and saw the place was packed with people and a line outside with more people to get in.

I looked over to jamie and told him I was going around back to get ready for my show. It was already 10:00 and I went on at 11 so I had to get ready and calm my nerves.

I don't know why but I have been doing this job for several years now and I still get nervous right before I go on. I feel the butterflies in my stomach and start to shake... But no matter what soon as my music starts everything disappears and I just focas on my dancing.You may be wondering what I do... well I am a dancer, and no I do not mean stripper. I am a dancer I do not take all of my clothes off I do have some self respect.

I start my breathing and look at the clock I realize I only have a few minutes before I go on.

"Relax, Helen you will do fine as always, Just remember I am here if anyone gets touchie or rough." Jamie whispered into my ear making me aware that I am not alone.

"Thank you Jamie for always being here." I turned and hugged him just as my music started to play.

Jamie slid my mask down over my eyes so noone would know who I am. It is a way for me to keep my two worlds apart.

I walked on the stage and the people started screaming. I love that reaction because I know they love my body which is different than being at home where I am bullied all of the time.

I started my dance with slow motions and spins allowing everyone to be mazed by my moves. I learned when I fist started the more you tease them the more money you can make. As I moved to the swing in the middle of my routine I took a minute to look around and see everyone who came I noticed a few familar sents that have never came here before as I scanned the room I spotted my brother and a few of the guys from the pack staring right at me.

I looked over to the side of the stage where Jamie was standing to send him a warning look to stay out of sight and just as I did this my brother approached the stage. I started to get nervous but than realised my dance was almost over and I quickly backed up and exited the stage.

As soon I was off the stage I grabbed Jamies hand and ran to the dressing room.

Usually Jamie stays outside but I knew if he did than my brother would see him and I would be busted. I quickly got dressed.

Jamie we got to get out of here I told him while I was changing." as I finished talking he looked at me confussed.

"Don't you want to dance you were great tonight. the crowd loved you," he asked looking at me with great smile.

I lifted my head up from my bag that i was packing at a record speed." Yeah I would love to but we cant Jace and some of the guys are out there so if we go out there than we are busted."

That got Jamies attention real quick...." OHHHHH.. I should of figured something was up, your normally never pull me in here with you."

"Yeah if I would of left you out there Jace would of saw you, so now that is clear lets get out of here. We can come back tomorrow and dance." I said grabbing his hand and heading for the door.

we exited through the back of the club where we parked the car just incase this ever happend.

I was so mad that they had to show up and ruin our fun. I really wanted to dance and talk to people after my show because it calms me. Because no one knows that it was me up there.

I guess you can say it gives me a big head to hear people talk about my performance amd the way i look itsalot different than the way my pack see me.

As Jamie drives us home I started to drift off thinking about the first time we went dancing and how things changed that night.

I looked at the entrance to the club wondering how are we ever going to get in, when jamie whispered in my ear telling me that since we were werewolves it would be no problem.

As we went to the front of the line the bouncer looked at us and gave us a nodded to go right in. I was so excited that we were in that I wasn't watching were I was going and ran right into someone.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't watching were I was going."I rushed out before looking up to see who I had hit.

When I looked up I saw bright blue eyes shining back at me I was so amazed by his eyes that was standing in shock... My wolf started to stir screaming mate, mate, mate.... And I could tell that he was having the same respones.

I stepped back and looked at him really taking him in. He looked like a god. He stood about 6'2 with a nice tan and an 6 pack you could see through his tight shirt.

I looked into his eyes and finally found the courage to talk. "Hi Im Helen"

He looked down at me with a smirk," I'm Luke, Lets dance." as he held his hand out waiting for me to take it.

I slid my hand in his and felt the sparks between us.

As we made our way to the dance floor and begain to dance I got lost in the music. After about an hour of dancing Luke and I walked off the dance floor as I was about to go find Jamie, Luke asked me if we could go somewhere to talk. I was so excited to be with my mate I just nodded my head and followed him out of the club.


I felt myself being lifted up out of the car. I realized I had fallen asleep on the way home and Jamie was carring me up to my room. As he placed me in my bed and started to leave I reached out for his hand.

"Jamie, will you please stay with me I don't want to be by myself." I whispered with out opening my eyes.

Jamie bent down and kissed my forehead before slidding into the bed beside me placing a hand around my waist and whispering into my ear "Goodnight, Hel."

"Goodnight Ja," as I started to fall into a deep sleep


So what do you think so far........ Please comment and vote i would love the feedback

thanks, stweetgirl19

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