Chapter 2....

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aaaaaaggggggg... I am so tired  I feel like I have been doing this for hours.

I spent all day upstairs cleaning out twelve rooms from dust and dirt adding new sheets to each bed make sure that the new pack feels welcomed. When I finally finished I looked at the clock to reallize it was already eight at night and if I didn't get ready now I would be late for work.

Thats all I need my boss to get mad at me for being late. I stretch my hands above my head and start walking towards my room to get ready.

Ever since my parents died I put a lot of stress on my self to make my own money and to ignore the comments of me being fat, ugly and not wanted. I realized that I wanted to be more than peoples punching bag. I will admit that when I was fourteen a little bit on the heavy side. I remember our last pack trip to the beach and everyone laughed at me for my weight.

four years ago

I was laying on my towel watching everyone playing in the water and the girls that always found their way to my brother was laughing and putting themselves out there to look at. I always wondered what it would be like to have a flat stomach, with blond hair and have the body that all guys wanted. Looking at myself I knew that my dirty blond hair, chunky thighs, and round stomach wasn't anything like a supermodel but I never felt insecure like I did right now.

As I was staring down at myself my friend Jamie came over and sat down beside me. Jamie and I have been through so much together I don't have a memory with out him in it. He looked at me and told me and told me I was beautiful I looked at him with a smirk I never knew what he saw in me. Jamie stood 5'9 with dark brown hair, and peircing blue eyes and a nice athlitic body with six pack abs. I never understood how we became friends but he said it was because I didn't treat him like other girls.

We were talking on the beach enjoying ourselves when  Brittani the most popular girl with the guys with her blond hair, green eyes and supermodel body that made all the guys beg for her attention came over to talk to Jamie.

"Hey Jamie... Will you put lotion on me." she purred towards Jamie sticking her boobs in his face.

"No Thanks, I am talking to Helen go ask Jace or someone else." Jamie replied looking back at me.

"Whatever Jamie, I just can't believe you want to hang out with a cow when you could be with me. How can you even look at her, she makes me sick. No wonder she never had a boy firend who would want to touch her." She snapped looking at Jamie and I.

The tears started forming before I could even realize what was happening, I finally knew what they thought of me and it was bad. I picked up my towel and ran to the woods and shifted into my beautiful white wolf with black spots on my paws and a spot on my chest that showed I had alpha blood from my parents. I continued to run picking up speed as I went. I loved running in my wolf form it made me feel so alive. There was only one place I was running to and it wasn't home. I ran to a park that was about a half mile from the house that I use to play at when I was a kid. As soon as I approached I started digging for the clothes that I hid in the ground. Once I uncovered them I shifted and got dressed since I shredded my suit when I shifted. As a kid I would always come here when things got bad so I started leaving clothes so I wouldn't have to go home.

Walking out of the trees to the swings. As I sit on the swing I think about what Brittani said about me and reallize that she is right, So now is the time I change that. I slowly started to leave the playground and make the walk home I figured it was still early that no one would be home yet.

As soon as I entered the house I noticed a few people had returned including Jamie who was seating at the bottom of the stairs talking to my parents. Once they noticed me Jamie ran to me picking me up asking if I was ok. I told him that I was fine that I just needed to blow off steam. I looked up at my parents who looked at me with worry in their eyes while I gave them a weak smile while telling them that everything is fine, and continuing my way upstairs to my room and I didn't need to look behind me to know Jamie was following me as i walked. He has known me long enough to know when I am lying so he waited for me to enter my room before we spoke about what happen.

As I turned to face Jamie's sad face looking down at me I decided that I wanted to go out and dance tonight because no matter what I looked like or how I felt I always felt beautiful and was truely myself when I danced.

"Jamie, I think I want to go out and dance tonight." I told him while already going through my clothes trying to figure out what to wear.

"Helen are you sure.... we could stay here and watch a movie." Jamie suggested turning me around to look in my eyes.

"Jamie I am fine... I want to dance to feel free, please come with me." I begged him giving him my puppy dog face knowing he couldn't resist.

"Fine I am going to get ready and than we will leave in a hour." jamie told me as he stood up to leave my room shutting the door behind him.

Turning around I spoted a light blue dress hanging in the back of my closet. As I stepped in the dress I turned to look in the mirror and was suprised at what I saw. The dress showed off my new tan and my curvy body. I smiled to myself and thought tonight is going to be a good night.


"Helen......Helen..... are you in there?"

"Helen.... Helen..... are you in there?"

Suddenly snapped back to reality I realized that someone was standing at my door yelling for me. I could not stop smiling at what I just remembered of how I felt about starting mylife again, but that was all before the accident.

Opening the door I was not suprised to find Jamie standing there.

"Hey Jamie, what up" I asked him popping the p.

"Helen, what are you doing we have to leave in 5 minutes to get to work are you ready yet? Do you have your bag ready?" Jamie asked while walking into my room to take my bag.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at Jamie he was always like this when we went to work,

He was the only one who knew what I did because he was my only friend. Plus we worked two towns over in the city so no one in the pack went that far. As far as everyone else thought we worked in the library, and stayed late to read books. And I liked keeping it that way.

"Alright Jamie I am ready to go. Lets get this party started." I turned to walk out the door wearing a black pencil skirt with a white blouse and black heels that laced up my legs.

While we walked down the stairs I ran into Brittani and Jace coming out of the kitchen.

Jace stopped me asking about the rooms. I informed him that they were ready for the new pack to arrive.

As he nodded Brittani wrapped her arms around my brother like he was going to disapper. Brittani wasn't Jaces mate but she wanted to be Luna. But that would never happen, because our father told Jace before he died that the only way an Alpha can stay strong is with his true mate by his side and to never mark anyone other than his true mate.

Jace has kept his promise even though Brittani has tempted him several time.

After saying good night Jamie and I walked out the front door to his 09 Ford Mustang and was headed to work. I cant wait to be dancing with out a care in the world.


let me know what you think. Please Comment. next chapter will be up soon.

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