chapter 6

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As I looked up at Luke I already knew the answer but I needed to hear it from him. So I asked the question anyways.

"Luke what are you doing here?" I asked with a shaking voice. Still looking into his eyes.

I watched as Luke took a deep breath than returned his eyes to mine and started talking.

"I am here to live," he said looking around the room "the Alpha here told me he has room to share with my pack and we could be safe. He even said that there is a maid to clean and cook  so we don't have to worry about anything." -Luke said still stairing at Jace.

I could tell that Luke was pissed how Jace talked about me. But I stilled didn't understand why. He rejected me.

I looked at look at motioned towards Jace to introduce them.

"Okay, Luke this is Jace the Alpha and welcome to our pack."

Luke looked between Jace and me trying to figure out what I meant by our.

Than he started to growl at Jace. Slowly starting to shake I reallized my mistake real quick i never told luke I had a brother or that I was the alphas daughter.

Realizing what he thought I quickly stepped in front of him. And looked him in his eyes pleading him to look at me...

" Luke look at me, please luke this is my brother Jace he is the Alpha this was our parents pack before they died." As my words started to sink in his growling stopped and a smile was placed on his lips as he pulled me to his chest to calm him down. "Mine" he whispered in my ear.

looking back at Jace I could see the confusion on his face trying to figure out what was happending. As I looked at him he broke from his silent state and snapped.

"Helen what the hell is going on and how do you know this alpha? You need to answere me now Helen." Jace screamed at me making me flinch back in to Lukes chest. Luke slowly slid his arm around my waist comforting me.

"Jace this is Luke, He is my mate and we met four years ago" I waited for that to sink in before I continued.

"You see four years ago I met Luke and he marked me, than rejected me." When I said this realization flashed in his face as he started at my neck looking for Lukes mark.

"If he is your mate and marked you than where is his mark. I have never seen a mark on you." Jace said with a sarcastic smirk on his face. At the statement eveyone started to stare at my neck.

Luke looked down at my neck with a realization that he didn't see his mark on me either.

"Thats a good question Helen, What happen to my mark?" I could feel him slowly getting mad as he started to squeze my waist tighter turning me around to face him.

"I can still smell my scent on you but its faint, but why can I not see my mark on your neck?" Luke started to shake more and more he was getting madder at the moment. " And who's scent is all over you that covers my scent he growled at me.

Yeah I really hope Jamie survives this because I don't know if I can controll Luke with just  my touch. Because I have heard that Alpha males are protective of their mates more than normal wolfs.

Jace laughed at this liking the entertainment playing out infront of him.

I looked at his smiling face and thats when I had enough. For the past four years I covered Lukes mark with make up while where a peice of Jamies clothing to cover up his scent.

Rolling my eyes I looked back at Jace and screamed, "Enough"

I screamed "I am tired of hiding my self from everyone. It ends now."

I was so mad at the moment I was shaking I didn't want anyone around me.

I walk toward the stairs and scream for Jamie. I knew he could hear me.

 "Jamie get down here now the truth is about to come out and I need you here now" I had to wait about a minute and Jamie appeared beside me.

As he looks around his eyes land on luke. Jamie knows all about Luke and doesn't like him one bit, he always said if he ever saw him again it wouldn't be pretty. I never thought I would see Luke again so I never really caried what he said . Know looking at Jamie's face I knew he was serious.

 I didn't even have time to speak before Jame launches himself at Luke........

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