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Your imagination is more powerful than reality.

The unreal, the fiction, the made up, the dreamt of, the thought of, the written down, the fantasized, the wished and hoped for, is more powerful, more real, more honest and true, than reality will ever be.

Nothing is as perfect as you imagine it to be.

You can have one perfect, fleeting thought and try to make sense of it, try to elongate it and make it into a reality, but nothing will perhaps ever compare to that one moment; that one exhilirating moment when the thought entered your mind, and even within the chaos of reality and the storm inside your mind, it made sense. It made sense and it served as a ray of sunshine, a beacon of light into your dimmed life because you believed.

You believe in your imagination.

Your belief in your imagination is stronger than you'll ever think it to be, because it's those intangible ideas; those written concepts and beliefs and fantasies and stories and tales and made up memories that truly last.

Houses crumble, photographs fade, and people die.

As fragile as all of life is, the stories and dreams and faith and legends created out of the span of such an immaculate and beautiful life ultimately go on. They are the strong ones in this journey; they let your name live on. 

Nothing is as everlasting as the residue of one's imagination.

You can change the way people think with the power of your own, your own imagination, that is. You can change the lens in which people see through; you can create a clearer image for them, or you can blur what they once thought could've been. You can change the way people see themselves; you can brighten then glimmering spark of their persona in the depths of their soul. You can change the way people see the world, the way people live their lives and see each other, the way people behave and interact and move, the way people write and deliver and learn, the way they are.

You bestow a dangerously brilliant power.

Your imagination; it has the power to do so much, to change so much, and it blesses you with the chance to make a mark in this world, within your lifetime. A mark that is and will forever be yours, only yours.

All of yours.

So open your up your eyes, really open them, and let your mind wander; let your imagination do its work, let everything that you have to offer set itself in stone. Create your own story, string together your own thoughts, be your own person, and create your own mark.

It'll be the truest lasting thing you'll ever create.

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