Chapter 6

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Abigail's POV-

*Beep beep*

I open my eyes and I'm instantly met with a sleeping Matt whose mouth is slightly open. I try getting up but his grip around my waist was a little tight. I get out of his grip and he rolls over to my side.

I mess with his hair and he groans.

I check my phone and it was 10:30.

"Matt, wake up it's 10:30." He just shakes his head.

I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower. After I'm done I put on some basketball shorts and a blue tank top. I blow dry my hair and leave it in it's natural waves. I brush my teeth and go to the kitchen to find all the guys awake.

"Good morning!" They all turn to look at me and smile.

"Morning baby sis."

"Morning sunshine."

"Morning loser."

"Aw aren't you the sweetest thing now, Dallas?" He winks at me and focuses his attention back on the food.

"So what's on the menu for today? Wait, Nash, Cameron, you two are cooking? That's a shock."

Shawn breaks out laughing. His laugh is so contagious we all join in and soon we are all on the floor.

"We are making toast with sausage and eggs."

"Okay I'll just have sausage and toast." They all stop and look at me.

"What? No egg?" Nash asks.

"We've been through this a thousand times. Ah no." They all look at me with disbelief.

"Leave the girl alone if she don't want egg she won't get egg, end of story." Cam snaps his fingers and 'flips' his hair.

"Where's Matt?"

"Oh he's still asleep. So what are you guys planning on doing this fine day?"

Shawn grabs 5 plates from the cabinets and places them on the counter.

"Uh we don't know actually. Shawn?"

"I was thinking of making a cover today. You know since I haven't posted one in a while. But I guess I can hang out with all of you today." He shrugs his shoulders.

"Why don't you make a cover with your little sister?"

"For the last time we are only 30 minutes apart!" They all laugh and soon a sleepy Matt walks in.

"Do I smell-? FOOOOOD!" He runs over to us, grabs a plate and sits down on the table. We all stare at him.

He answers with his mouth full, "what? I'm hungry okay!" We put our hands up in defense and he continues eating.

We all grab a plate and sit down with Matt.

"Good morning everyone!" My mom walks in perky as always. How can someone be in such a good mood in the morning?

"Morning mama Mendes!"

"Morning mom!" Shawn and I say at the same time.

She serves herself a cup of coffee and sits down with us.

"So what are you teenagers up to today?" She blows her steaming cup before taking a sip.

"We don't know actually. We might just hang out and stay here. If that's okay with you?" Nash looks over to my mom and she nods.

"That's fine, just don't burn the place down."

"No promises." She gently smacks Cam at the back of his head.

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