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I awake to the sound of my phones alarm loudly bleeping. I pick the device up, the light blaring in my eyes and making me squint, and turn the stupidly loud alarm off, the thing reminding me of what today was.
Nothing unusual about it, I go almost every day, but I dread it.
I contemplate if I should get rest for a few more minutes or if I should just get up, get ready, and get things over with.
I slowly drag myself out of bed and switch on my light. I move over to the mirror examining myself, my eyes looked tired and glossy, my hair was messed up but not too badly, and my pajama shirt hung low, almost as low as my self confidence (lmao why did I feel the need to put that in there) I get out my clothes and put them on. I leave my room and head downstairs. I've already heard my mum making her breakfast so I know I won't be alone down there. I can't bear being alone after all the repetitive nightmares I've been having recently. All about the same things.
I go to walk downstairs, the hallway is illuminated by small scented candles that my mum loved. I open the door handle and walk into the kitchen. ThE TV is on and my parent is making breakfast. She smiles at me before saying hello, and asking me what I want.
I end up having boring *favourite drink* and toast. I put my plate and cup in the wash and head back upstairs to wash my face, fix my hair and do whatever else I thought was necessary.
It was still pretty early, so I wasn't worrying about being late.
I brush my teeth and pack my school bag with all the things I need, most of which is completely unnecessary but I still being anyways.
I make sure everything is right and I haven't forgot to do anything, and then I sit down, scrolling through *favourite social media*. I message a few of my friends as they are often up earlier than me and to my surprise I see that they've already messaged me.
Three messages where across my screen
"Did you know that you need to walk to school?"
"You live a while from school, how will you even get there?"
"Sucks that the school roads are closed :("
I reply to my friend asking what they meant. They explain that the roads schools and busses take is closed, and that students need to walk. I'm overcome by panic in the realisation that this might make me late. I thank my friend for telling me before telling them that I need to go and head to school.
I grab my bag and say bye to my mum, before waking out the door.
The cold air makes me shiver, but it's better than being boiling hot. Since I wasn't aware that I needed to walk I had stayed in the house quite late, since the car only took a few minutes to get to school, and I would be late if I walked the normal route, I decide to take the shortcut. I'm nervous since I know people I know will be going that way, and I'm scared they'll say something.
I walk down the road for about 6 minutes before turning and walking into a small entrance surrounded by trees. I start walking down the narrow, forest-like path. I hear birds in trees, making me jump. I continue walking and ignore the strange feeling I was getting. It was like someone was walking behind me, like there was another presence, but I shrugged it off and passed it as my nerves. I finally exit the shortcut and walk the rest of the way to school, 10 minutes from being late.

Because I wasn't early it meant I needed to go to lessons soon, so I quickly found my friends and greeted them.
"Hey, you're late" one said.
"Yeah, road wasn't open, I needed to get the shortcut or I'd be even later" we laugh and talk until the teachers notify us that it's time to go to lessons. I say bye to my friends, since I had no lessons with them, and head to first period. I felt..wrong. Like something was off. The hallways weren't empty or anything, everything was how it should be, but it just felt 'weird'. I walk into my class and give a smile to my teacher, then walking over to my seat and waiting for my book to be handed out. I look out the window, daydreaming since this lesson was so boring. The view is of over the shortcut. It looks nice from up here, so I stare some more.
"Are you with us?"
I jump, looking up and seeing a group of people staring at me.
"Answer me, are you in our group or do we need to make a new one" the shortest person, Leia, asks me. I nod my head since I couldn't be bothered to find a new group, but I wasn't very happy about the people I was with, and she wasn't either.
Leia didn't like me very much, and she didn't hide it either. She'd say things like "god, I hope I don't need to sit next to y/n or I think I'll die" when I was around, and gave me weird looks. We used to be friends be then she just went against me, I didn't know why but it didn't effect me too much. We take a seat and continue with our project, arguing, sighing, and eventually ignoring people. I still couldn't shrug off that feeling from earlier, so I decide that when I go home I'll sleep. That would probably be best.

~~time skip brought to you by weird slender x Jeff smut~~

Lessons pass and it's the end of the school day comes, I walk out of school with my friends and we go our separate ways. They go to their house and I go my way, I can't take the car, so once again I take the shortcut.
I walk down the familiar short path, and I get that strange feeling that there is a presence again. I walk faster down the foresty lane and swear I hear walking, not mine. I speed walk and I'm scaring myself. I look behind me, ready to comfort myself by seeing no one was there, but I see a flash of colour, my head hurts, there's ringing in my ears, like a broken radio almost, it was like an airwave, the distorted ones where you put your phone near an electric guitar. Yeah, that.
The ringing fills my ears, and my head hurts so much.
It's like a migraine, but worse.
I can't hear anything but my heavy breathing, ringing, and possibly whispers at the back of my head. I fall to the ground in pain, squinting and almost crying, I try yelling for help but a distorted grunt comes out instead I put my head up, about to scream again, but then

I feel a hand grip tightly over my mouth.


I'm starting too many stories.
Atleast this one is longer, and I have better ideas for it 💡 😊 ⚡️
Idk if anyone will read, but more updates will be soon. Bye.

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