8 pages

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Hey, I just thought I'd say this:
It might take a while to get to the part with lj in it.
But leading up to that part, it probably won't be as painfully boring as the last part :)
I don't know how long this fanfiction will be, probably depends on people's opinions on it or the way it goes.
That's all, now on with the story ;)

Readers p/c

I feel a hand cover my mouth.
The ringing has stopped, which I am thankful for, but I'm so stunned I can't move, hardly.
An idea hits me.
I bite down on the hand, earning a startled yell from the owner of the hand.
I get up and start running. When I was dizzy I wandered off into strange directions, so I had no idea where I was. I kept running and running, deeper and deeper into the forest. I realise how lost I am, and decide I've probably lost the person who grabbed me. This is so creepy.
I walk deeper trying to find anywhere I recognise, I fail.
I go deeper, and deeper until I'm surrounded my trees and nothing else. I study my surroundings and they basically all look the same, but one tree was different. It had something on it. Big and bright white, I walk over and check it.
Its a piece of paper.
I look at it more carefully, it is stained with what looks like a childs drawing.
The words "don't look, or it takes you" are written in it, with a.. Stickman? On the bottom right and a cross on the top right. I'm freaked out a keep walking, running. I see another page.
It says "always watches, no eyes".
There's a circle in the middle, like a face? It's blank, with no eyes or nose, or mouth. Just crosses where the eyes would be.
I'm seriously freaking out and get the feeling of being watched again. Damn, I knew I could be being watched. The previous events proved that. I feel like I need to hunt for more pages, so I quicken my pace hunting further.
Minutes pass and alas, just as I suspected, another page.
This time "LEAVE ME ALONE" was scribbled on it. I'm confused. Does whoever writing it want me to follow, or leave it alone? Besides the letters are what looks like a messy tree. I unpin the note and put it with the others. This could be someone's way of asking for help, or even a warning, but curiosity makes me look for more, and I feel it's right, so I keep searching.
Time passes and I find more pages
A messy one with trees and a man.
One with the words 'HELP ME' in capitals.
A one saying "can't run".
A one when a scribble of a man with words saying "NO" all around it.
And lastly, a scribble of a man next to a tree, the word "FOLLOW" scribbled on it.
The notes Creep me out and now I'm left not knowing what to do.
I can't get rid of that horrible feeling, like someone is watching me. Following me. Stalking me.
I'm not sure if it's the thing from before, but it doesn't feel like it.
I try and think of what the notes mean. Maybe someone was kidnapped? Maybe someone needs help? Maybe it's a trap? Maybe it's like a distraction?
The feeling is getting stronger and stronger to the point I feel like there's genuinely something standing behind me, I go to turn but before I can move the ringing noise comes back. I try ignoring it, wincing in pain. I shake my head and start humming, wondering if its silence causing the noise. It doesn't work. It's so loud and I want to cry. I don't like this, I know I'm not safe. I wish I took the long way home. This was a stupid choice. Will I ever even get home? I can finally live somewhat and turn around, gasping at what I see, but I'm then sucked back into what feels like a dream, like I'm floating. Am I dead? My eyes are closed and I feel like I'm..flying? But I still hear everything. I feel something around my waist and my breathing pace increases.
I try staying awake, trying to focus. It's hard, but I'm not giving up. I don't know what could happen. But the ringing is so loud, I just want to shut everything out. Trying to sleep for a little wouldn't hurt, right?
The light weight feeling comforts me and I try 'relaxing' eventually, somehow, I drift to sleep...

Yikes this is shorter. LAUGHING!!JACK!!WILL!!BE!!IN!!IT!!SOON!!
Probably in the chapter after the next? I'll see 😉

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