Tsk Tsk Tsk

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I can't believe this.
I want to run but it's as if my feet have been glued to the spot.
I want to scream put it's as if my vocal chords are gone.
I don't know what to do.
After what seems like years of me and the monochrome...clown staring at each other, the tall, faceless man begins to speak again.
"Like I previously said, one of your first things in training is learning to conquer emotions, most importantly fear. And for that, I invited a good friend, Jack, to help. Don't expect him to play nicely, and remember proper manners. You will be surviving a week with him, and depending on how it goes, you will move on to the next task I instruct"
I find the ability to speak again and mutter 'yes sir' back to him.
"Masky will ascort you to your room, good luck."
I look at him in shock and utter confusion, seriously, a room?!? I hear him chuckle
"I will always believe in being polite to guests, no matter the circumstances"
I nod , 'yes sir' and then he disapperates out of the room.
I don't even want to look up in case the clown is still there,though I feel it is. It's not hard to miss a presence like that. It's the type of things nightmares are made from. I know that I need to go to Masky, so I head towards the door before getting stopped by a voice. The sort of voice that could make even the strongest of people cower.
'Tsk Tsk Tsk, not forgetting about me now, are we?'
I shake my head and try to hold back the tears and obvious fear. I listen as the footsteps catch up with me and I exit the room, still being followed.

Please, just kill me now

WHOO I FINALLY UPDATED. sorta short but I honestly dk how to lengthen it. But hopefully I will find a way soon :)
So for now, goodbye :) x

LAUGHING JACK X READERWhere stories live. Discover now