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Masky walks in, his expressionless mask still on.
"You need to follow me" he states.
I get up and walk toward him. He turns to me.
"I'm sorry"
I give him a confused look but he says no more for her rest of the journey to a room. It's once again, dimly Lit. It's filled with marks and strange odours, I don't want to know what they are.
"Master will be here to see you soon. Don't speak to him unless you've been spoken too. Don't trust anything he says. Don't mention anything about me"
I stare at him and he nods before leaving the room, once again.
A few minutes pass and you hear a static noise, you look up and see the tall figure from earlier. Nothing has changed about this 'man' and since he lacks and actual face you can't see what he's 'feeling', which didn't really matter anyways because even if you could see a face it would probably show no emotion anyways, because this dude already appeared to be a sociopath.

"You must be very confused" the man said, though the words didn't come out his mouth, instead, them seemed to just be ringing in my head.
I remembered what the masked boy had told me just a few moments earlier
Dont speak to him unless you've been spoken to.
I take it as an indication that I should probably try to answer this man as much as possible.
"Um yeah. I'm very confused" I mutter, sounded more cowardly than I had intended.
I hear a laughing noise echoing in my head, assuming it was him again.
He seems to stare at me.
"You missed something"
I'm confused but then realise what he means.
"I'm very confused, master. Apologies for getting it wrong"
"Right. There are many more things that I could do and say to you right now, but I won't. I'll just tell you why you're here and what's happening. Does that sound okay to you?"
"Yes, master"
"Alright. I have been watching you for a while, y/n. I've been seeing your every move. I've seen how you react to situations, I've seen how you cope, seen what you love. I've seen your darkest fears. I've seen your mind. I've experienced how you portray things. This all may sound incredibly unsettling and I'm aware, but I won't apologise since this isn't some fun playground. And I'm not some fun friend. I'm your master. And you're going to be my proxy. However, fail this training, and you die. As simple as that. My current proxys will be needing some amusement anyways"
By now I'm visably shaking. How does he know all this? Whats he been doing?
"Stop with the worrying, child. Cooperate and this will be easy for us both"
"Yes master" I whisper.
"Now, during this training you need to endure a number of things. You're learning survival and tactics. They come 2nd. However, proxys don't have all these emotions. They're like my puppets. Theyll feel how I want them to feel. They'll do what I want them to do. Meaning your first step of training is to overcome your feelings. Which of course, means overcoming your fears-it means needing to face your fears. Now. Close your eyes"
I stare at him
"You need to do this. You need to meet your fear to overcome it"
I'm so confused
I've only ever had one true dear growing up because of an incident that happened years ago. And this fear was more of a phobia. J huge phobia.
"Close your eyes. Don't get distracted"
I do as I'm instructed.
The room is silent, but I know the figure is still there, and without my vision I need to be more cautious.
But still, silence.
I'm about to open my eyes when I hear something. Music. Like the things that would be played to get a child to sleep. I recognise the tune. Suddenly the music is joined by a high, British, happy voice.
"Round and round the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel .."
I don't know what's happening. I'm so scared.
"The monkey thought t'was good fun, till POP goes the weasel"
"Open your eyes"
Once again, I do as instructed. And once my eyes open, I nearly scream at the sight, but it's as if I'm suddenly incapable of making any noise.
Standing infront of me is a tall-around 7-8ft- striped monochrome clown. It's body is slumped over as it's standing, making it look shorter. It's long arms hang low down to it's knees, and its piercing black eyes stare straight into mine.
It opens its mouth and giggles maniatically
"Hiya kid" it starts
"I'm Jack. Laughing jack.

And we're gonna have so much fun"

Everything goes black

YAY. AN UPDATE. WERE FINALLY GETTING TO MEET LAUGHING JACK XD. I couldn't really think of a way to bring him in without rushing it so I hope this is okay, even though I don't like it very much. I can hopefully update yous soon so yeah, bye :) Art credit goes to Schildom on DevianArt btw I think c:


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