What I Can't Say

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My heart speaks louder than my mind
Because people don't understand what I say
The beating song only I can hear, others it's silenced
Throbbing through my veins only I can feel, others it's unseen

I find the brain to be useless...or it doesn't work for me
I have my thoughts, but they don't come out the way I want them to
To difficult for me to speak them out loud
The only one who can understand my thoughts is me

Everything has an explanation, why can't I have mine
Everyone thinks more than they feel, why is that
Is thinking easier than feeling something
Maybe to complicated for the smartest to figure out

No one knows what you're actually thinking
Nobody has an idea of what you're feeling
These things that battle one another
Yet we seen those fights before

See the meaning from what I'm saying
Instead of reading the words

Poetry of my ThoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now