Chapter 11

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I walk out of the branches of the Ancient Willow and hold open a space for my bride. Katniss ducks beneath my arm and then walks ahead of me. Our entire pack takes a knee and bows as we walk past and Katniss starts laughing as we move away.

"Did we really just do that?" She asks. I smile and nod.

"I think we did," I say. She watches behind me as the others start back towards our house to finish preparing the celebatory feast, leaving their Alpha and his mate behind as is traditionally done by our kind.

"I can't believe they are actually leaving me alone for more than a few moments," she says.

"You're my responsibility now, not theirs," I say as she carefully smooths her dress and shuffles her feet. "Whats wrong?"

"I don't know," she says. "I know how I feel and I wouldn't give anything not to have just married you but," she stops speaking and looks at me. "When's the last time we talked about something that didn't pretain to training me or this moment?" I look down, understanding what shes saying.

"I'm sorry," I say. "Its not that I dont care about the person behind your face. Of course I do. I've just, the world I grew up in and the one you did. Its not the same. We don't socialize the same way humans do. In a lot of ways, we exist simply to fill the roles we were born into, Katniss. It doesn't ever seem important to waste breath on small talk in our world."

"I know," she says. "I've been here with you for long enough to know that."

"I dont know what you want me to say," I reply after a moment.

"Tell me something about yourself," she says. "Something you enjoy or like. Not about our home or our pack or anything. Like a song or a color or a person you admire." I think for a moment and shrug."

"I dont know," I say. "I like this old song that my father said my mother used to sing to me when I was little. It was their wedding song." Katniss nods and we start walking home.

"Do you know what song it was?" She asks taking my hand.

"Heaven, I think," I say, "By some guy named Bryan."

"Bryan Adams," Katniss says happily. "I've always loved his songs. Its one of the reasons I loved the movie Spirit when I was little. Because of his music."

"I think I remember that one," I say. "With the horses and the indian boy. I didn't get to watch a lot of movies or anything when I was younger, but I think I was young enough around that one that my father let me see it." I chuckle but Katniss doesn't. "What?"

"Where you ever allowed to even really be a child?" I shake my head.

"Not too much," I say. "Like I said, my father wasn't too nice of a guy after my mother died and Johanna's mother wasn't too kind to me." She just looks straight ahead.

"I wish you could have known her," she says. "So you could have had a better life."

"My life is fine," I say. "It was rough, yeah. But I've got you now. And someday, we'll have kids and their life won't be anything like mine was."

"But still," she says. "You really didn't get much."

"We're taught from a young age that we don't need much," I say. "Just the person we're meant to be with for the rest of our lives. Nothing matters besides that." 

"It feels like a dream," Katniss says. "To have someone care this much about me." I turn to her and kiss her . She wraps her arms around my neck and I hold her close to me. I brush her hair away from her cheeks and she smiles at me.

"Are you scared?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"No," she says. "For the first time in my life, I'm not afraid of anything." I kiss her cheek and she stops.

"What?" I ask.

"You need to stop," she says. "They're waiting for us. And you're fixing to make sure we don't make it there."

"I dont care," I reply.

"Peeta!" She says. "There are bunch of important people back in the garden that have been breathing down your neck about us being older than usual. We can't blow them off. Besides," she wraps her arms around me. "Don't you wanna dance with me at our wedding?" I smile at her and we finally walk into the clearing near our home. The members of our pack throw flower petals and clap. I hear the song "I Wanna Know What Love Is" playing and there are couples breaking off to dance with each other. I glance at my bride and she squeezes my hand.

We walk together towards the hole in the center. Katniss wraps the arm I'm not holding around my back to rest on my shoulder. I rest my hand on her waist and pull her close.

"I hope you dont mind that I can't dance," she whispers.

"Its a good thing I'm leading then," I say and she laughs. We dance our first dance so close and gentle, it could fit on a pie plate. She lays her head on my shoulder and I kiss her forehead. She must be tired. From my understanding, which is very little, the preperation on the day of the wedding is extensively exhausting for the bride, especially in cases like marrying an Alpha. The song ends and Katniss lifts her head. She glances behind her to where Gale and Johanna stand. She nods to Gale and he walks over to where the keyboard sets next to the speakers.

"What have you got planned?" I ask her.

"I may or may not have prepared a little something as a wedding present," she says. I just look at her and she takes both my hands and leads me to the chair waiting next to the small stage. She steps onto the stage and looks out upon the people gathered.

"I'm not much of a speaker," she says finally. "In fact, I'm absolutely terrified to have to address you all for the first time. But I needed to do this because even though I was originally brought here against my will, I owe everything I am and ever will be to this man sitting next to me. He gave me a home, a family in all of you. He gave me a new life as one of you. So, knowing how much he admires my love of music and my voice, I've prepared one of my favorite songs as the begining of what I hope will be a long, long life full of happiness for the both of us." She glances at Gale and he begins playing and Katniss begins to sing in her sweet notes.

"From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on

From this moment I have been blessed
I live only for your happiness
And for your love I'd give my last breath
From this moment on

I give my hand to you with all my heart
I can't wait to live my life with you,
I can't wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment on

You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment
I will love you as long as I live
From this moment on"

She bows her head as she finishes and the people gathered clap for her. I get up and wrap my arms around her. We're both shedding happy tears as we hold eachother and prepare for our new lives together.

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