Chapter 15

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I walk with Peeta through the crowded party. A fancy Christmas Gala within the town limits. My long blue dress brushes my toes as I kick it out uncomfortably. I haven't been here or even outside the Blue Hills since the night Peeta confronted me in the ally. I fiddle with my necklace a little and look cautiously at my husband.

"Remind me again why you dragged me in here," I hint through my mind and he reponds back without a glance as he sips his wine.

"I need your hunting skills," he says. "You need to find the wolf here and lure him away from the crowd."

"Why?" I ask.

"He's been killing farmer's chickens and attacked a child the other day," peeta replies. "We don't need that. It will only bring more hunters closer to our borders. And we don't need that." I nod, not wanting that threat coming any closer to where my child will live after he is born in about three months. I'm reall surprised how little you can notice my pregnant belly, with me only appearing a little fuller figured than normal. Another gift of the virus I suppose.

I scan the room, trying to trace an inhuman scent through all the colone and perfume people must have bathed in. I start to try to pick out someone seperating himself from the crowd. I almost lose hope when suddenly I see him, stirring a scotch by the bar. He has low shoulders, the body language clear. He doesn't show any of the self confidence a man in the position of so many eligible ladies would show of if he were human.

"You got him?" I ask. Peeta nods and hands me his empty glass.

"Go get me something strong and see if you can catch his scent," he says. "If he's inexperienced like we suspect, he shouldn't notice you over the smell of the alcohol and the mint on you." I nod and take the glass towards the open bar.

I show the bartender the professional fake ID all the underage wolves carry when they go on the town seeing as we follow our own rules on the reservation. He hands me Peeta's drink and I move over to sit near to the man I suspect to be our loner and smile, trying to get a response out of him. He moves up next me and smiles back as I sit there with the drink.

"Well now, what is a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?" He asks and I smile as I use the drink stirer to waft the scent of alcohol over me, definately having caught his eye.

"Just taking a look around," I say. "Though I won't know what I'm looking for exactly until I find it." He chuckles and looks me over again.

"Do you think you found it?" He asks, What you're looking for?"

"What's your name, big guy," I ask, ignoring his questioning of me, just as I was instructed.

"Troy," He says, I offer him my hand.

"Well what a coincidence," I say. "My name's Helen. Its like we're meant to be."

"Helen of Troy," he says smiling. "Looks like you're all mine tonight."

"You don't mind that I might have someone else?" I say. He shakes his head and takes my hand to help me up.

"Not at all," he says. "You know somewhere private we could go. I'm not from around here. I nod and walk down towards a side exit. I look around a second for Peeta's protective eyes but seeing none, I silently plead.

"He's taking me to the ally," I whisper to him and I catch his scent as we enter the outside world. "It's him." I shut the door behind us and turn to Troy, still trying to play it cool as he kisses me agressively. He feels me up a little and I bite my lip as I struggle not to cry out.

Thankfully, he is quickly and agressively pulled off of me and thrown to the ground. I breathe easier as I see my husband standing over the stray I'd been forced to flirt with. Peeta glances at me and then back to the wolf on the ground.

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