Chapter 12

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The recetion ended with fireworks in the clearing in front of Peeta's house. I bid many of my new family goodnight as they leave and watch across the clearing as Peeta says his final words with the council of elders who had been on his case for so long now. They turn and leave and Peeta gives me a reassuring smile to confirm that I've been accepted.

Good luck Katniss," Johanna says. "I know you must be nervous about everything else that is to happen tonight, but my brother loves you very much. Everything will go just fine for you." I push away the butterflies in my stomach and nod quickly.

"Thank you," I say softly and she leaves. I feel my husband's breath on my neck and his arm curls around my waist. "Are they finally gone?"

"Eager to be alone?" He whispers in my ear, making me shiver. "Yes, they're gone." I turn my face towrds him and he kisses my temple. "Can I take you in now?"

I know what he's asking, as politely and gently he tries to mask it. He's asking to take me into his bed as his mate, to finish what was started tonight. I feel the little burn in my belly and know from living here and speaking to the women who have married before me that soon, it will be excruciating without his touch. I lay my hand over his and intwine our fingers.

"I think I am," I whisper. He reaches around me and effortlessly picks me up. He turns and begins to head into the house. He carries me up the staircase and into our grand bedroom, made neatly with clean sheets.

He sets me down in the chair by my vanity. He towers above me and carefully removes the glttering crown and veil from my hair and begins to take careful movements in removing the many pins from my hair.

"What are you doing?" I ask quietly, afraid to disturb the tense quiet between us. He grabs a cloth and begins to wipe my face of the somewhat thick makeup.

"While I like seeing you in all these bells and whistles, you are most beautiful when you aren't done up like this," he says. "Besides, it gives us both a moment to calm our nerves right now." He kneels and pushes up the layers of material that cover my legs. He removes my shoes before gently squeezing my hand. I stand and turn away from him. He takes this as his permission and unlaces the blue silk weaving itself to keep my dress tight to my body.

I turn back to him and gently push the suit jacket off his broad shoulders. I lay it over the chair I had been sitting on and reach up to remove his tie. He swallows nervously and I gently kiss his cheek.

"Relax," I whisper. "There's no rush." I move on to carefully unbutton his shirt.

"I'm afraid of hurting you," he says and I stop to look up at him. I gently hold his face in my hand.

"I'm going to be fine," I reply. "Just calm down. Its just me." I finish on his shirt and push it off his shoulders. I step back and shrug off my wedding dress to reveal the thin lace slip I'd worn beneath. He looks me up and down a moment, almost like that first night in the alley before reaching forward and gently kissing me. I let out a small whine as a flare of the heat in my gut jolts me and Peeta lets go of me.

"Was that?" He asks and I just nod, a small gasp leaving me. He just stares looking guilty before I capture his lips again. I kiss along his chin and slowly reach down his bwell muscled abdomen and unbutton his pants. I slowly, nervously reach into his pants and feel him over his underwear. He groans and breaks away from me a little. "What are you doing?"

"Calming you down," I whisper. I gently nibble on his neck as reach in his underwear and wrap my hand around his member. He groans and feel butterflies in my stomach as I gently move my hand back and forth. I kiss my way down his chest and end up on my knees in front of him. He watches me cautiously as I reach up and pull down his pants and underwear.

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