Chapter 13

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The long nights of Katniss' heat came to an end a week after our wedding. It was intense and amazing, but I think both of us are glad its over due to the sheer fact that anytime we were not intertwined with eachother during that time, pain would slowly creep up to unbearable level for Katniss that she described as her insides being roasted over flames.

Nothing has indicated if Katniss is pregnant as of yet. She does her work as a hunter and goes about her days as she had the weeks before our wedding. She feels no different and as far as I can tell, her scent hasn't changed to indicate our child is forming inside her. It is just a wait and see game.

I'm interupted from my thoughts by Johanna's entry into my office.

"How are the borders?" I ask. She stands infront of my desk as I rise.

"Secure," she says. "No intustions by man or beast. Except of course the two elk Katniss' party brought down early this morning." I nod.

"That's good," I say. "Tell her once they are butchered, I would like to speak with her." She nods but doesn't leave. "Is there something else?" She looks down at her hands and I gesture for her to sit.

"I am going to have to leave my post as your Beta," she says quietly.

"Why?" I ask her. "You are the one who has proven you deserve my trust, above no others but my Luna Katniss." She places her hand up on the the desk and I can smell the pharamones coming off her from across the desk. "You're with child?" She nods.

"I am sorry to abandon you like this," she says, "I plan to give you as many moons of service as I can until I need to leave my post. But I feel it is time to alert you that my successor needs chosen." I smile and walk around to her side of the table. I pull her up and hug her.

"I am sorry to lose your service, but am very happy to see another little one join our family," I say. She pulls away and looks at me.

"Hopefully within a day or two, we will know that two children will come in the spring," she says. I look her over and shrug.

"I can only hope Katniss would also be happy with the news should it arise," I say. She nods, also knowing my wife's aprehension about children.

"I'm sure she will be happy," Johanna says. "She wants nothing more than to make you happy, brother. And an heir would make you a very happy man."

"I can't contest that," I say. "I want to speak once she is finished with the hunters."

Johanna nods and leaves as I go back to my paper work. Katniss comes to my office a while later.

"Peeta, it is getting late," she says as she walks in. "I've run you a bath. Please, come to bed." I look to the window to see the image of the moon shining high in the sky."

"Why are you visiting me so late?" I ask. "I asked Johanna to bring you."

"I'm sorry," she says walking forward, her long mint colored robe brushing the ground. "I wasn't feeling well after my hunt so I took a nap. I woke up about an hour ago and decided I would wash up. I'd hoped you would have come to our room by now." I get up and walk over to her and she takes a step back.

"What's wrong?" I ask. She turns to go to the door.

"You will not hold me until you come to bed," she says. "I am not spending another night sitting in here while you work yourself to death. Now come upstairs." She walks through the door and I have no choice but to follow her up stairs. Katniss playfully teases me as I chase her through our house and up to our bedroom. I finally catch her and we fall on the bed. I pin her down and kiss her as she laughs.

"Now about that bath," I say, "won't you join me, Sweetheart?"

"I guess I could," she says. "It has been such a long day without you." I get off her and lead her to the large bathroom off our bedroom where she has lovingly drawn a hot bath. I undress and sink down into the water. Katniss strips out of her bed clothes and sits across from me in the large tub.

"I heard your hunt went well," I say and she dips her head.

"We should be fed for a week," she says proudly. "Although, I wouldn't be such a good hunter without you as my teacher."

"You already had the makes of a good hunter, Katniss," I say taking her hand. "I just helped you find your way." She smiles and leans in to kiss me. We kiss again and again, happily enjoying each others company. After a while, we get out of the bath and lay down together on our bed.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her to my chest. I bury my face in her neck and breathe in her sweet scent as we lay there together. But I notice something different. Something else there. I smell her again and she looks at me strangely.

"What is it?" Katniss asks and I move to look over her.

"You smell different," I say and she she chuckles.

"Do I now?" She asks as I lean over and smell her again. As I pick up on the difference.

"Yes," I say smiling as I settle back down next to her. "Do you know why?" She turns to look at me and smiles.

"Yes," she says. "I figured as much for a day or two now. But I want to hear you say it." I cup her cheek and she looks at me with her beautiful grey eyes.

"You're pregnant," I say and she nods and kisses me.

"By spring, you will have a son," she says.

"Are you happy?" I ask and she shrugs.

"I will get used to it," she says. "I am making you a father and giving you a baby. I know that I will hopefully find myself happy as a mother." I kiss her cheek and she smiles.

"I have every confidence that you will be an amazing mother," I say. "Just as you have been an amazing wife. I kiss her gently and we lay in each other's arms, content with the new horizon of our lives.

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