Chapter 16

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I stand at the window of my bedroom, looking out over the small gathering of people. They have gathered because its time, or at least very close to the time my child is to be born. I haven't felt anything yet, but my instincts tell me it is just a matter of hours until I feel the pains of labor that I've feared for a long time now.  I run my hand over my swollen stomach and look down as I feel a small kick back from my child.

"We're all waiting little one," I whisper. "We're all so eager to see you. You needn't keep us in this anticipation." The baby doesn't respond. It can't respond. But I continue to run my fingers over my stomach as I go over to the vanity where I had written several names.

Peeta and I decided long ago that if I were to have a son, he would have the name Fernando attached to him to honor Peeta's brother. He has allowed me to choose his first name as well as a daughter's name because as is tradition, the mother always names her children with little imput from the father. Especially a Luna because she is thought to be able to see past the ego of a Alpha status and give a genuine, caring name to her child beyond having several Alphas of the exact same name for generations.

This is so important. I feel like nothing will be right for my child as I strike out name after name. But suddenly, I come to one I like. A name I can use for a son and adapt for a daughter. My child kicks in agreement as I say it aloud and I nod.

"That's a good one," I say quietly. "We'll see how it sticks once you're born, but I think thats the one." I hear a knock on the door and I get up and walk over to the door and open in to let Johanna in, followed by other woman of the extended family who are supposed to help me when it comes time for the birth. "It isn't time yet."

"Yeah, I know," Johanna says, sitting on the edge of my bed cradling her own swollen belly. "But Peeta sent us in because even though he isn't allowed to be here, our Alpha wants us to be here and be prepared the moment his little miracle decides to grace the world with its presence." I nod and get up from my desk.

"He's scared," I say quietly. "After what his mother went through. No matter how much he wanted me to bare this child, he doesn't want this to take me away." I feel my insides tighten for a second and I gasp as I grip onto my bedpost and ride it out.

"Well, that doesn't look pleasent," Johanna remarks and I shake my head I get over to my bed.

"It wasn't," I say. "I've had pains, for a little while now. That was stronger. I think it was the real deal."

"You're in labor?" One of the girls who came asks and I nod.

"I think I'm getting there," I say. "I won't know for sure until another one hits, but I just had a pretty strong contraction." The ladies rush forward and lay me down as they pull back the covers to get me into the bed.

I lay in my bed for hours, the intense pain growing as I come closer and closer to giving birth to my child. It is no where near as bad as I thought it would be. But that does not mean it is a even remotely pleasent experience. Johanna watches me with unease, allowing me to squeeze her hand as I live out her near future.

"You'll be fine you know," I say. "You get to know what to expect when your time come, unlike me."

"You're doing fine," she says and I lean forward slightly as another contraction racks my body.

"They'll take him," I say, out of breath. "If its a boy, he'll be taken not long after he's born to be presented to his father?" She nods.

"He won't be gone long," she says quietly. "I promise, Peeta will bring him right back. You'll name him and hold him before all that, too." I nod and let out a whimper as another contraction rips through me, getting more intense and closer to each other. One of the nurse maids checks on me beneath the covers and then looks up at me.

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