Marilyn's POV:
"you called?" I asked and the moment he told me I couldn't seem to believe him
Maybe just a little faith inside me did, but it was still confusing all at once.
"Yeah, after Zayn and I went separate ways, something inside me felt guilt and I knew I had to go back. All I did was call and left" Louis explained. Harry's eyes seem to soften as he stood next to Louis.
Louis knew this whole time Harry haunted him but didn't say anything. What evidence did he have in that? So I asked.
"Umm, how did you know Harry has been haunting you?"
"A piece of rope suddenly landed on my bed when I came to home from school just 5 days ago. And a piece of his clothing he wore during the incident covered in blood" He said all to fast
Of course Harry left signs. He wanted them to feel the pain he felt when he fell down that well. Harry never felt serenity, no he felt no dignity or whatsoever he just wanted pay back. He also knew Marcel wasn't safe around these assholes so he stayed. He stayed to protect his only truly friend and brother he had, and he wished he was still alive to feel Marcel's touch and hear his laugh every second.
Marcel wanted that also, he couldn't see him. Only if it all replayed back again but its too late. I can't even imagine seeing Marcel's tears and weary that surrounded his atmosphere. I also can't imagine his own sister and mother's reaction when they found out. It is too terrifying to even think about it.
"You guys could've told the police the truth, no one really understood what happened. Not even his family knows the truth. You had everyone clueless" i rant only because it was the truth
"And suffer in HELL!? We could have been in jail!" he started to yell, Harrys face became to twist in anger, hearing his harsh breathing
"All the two of you did was care about yourselfs instead of help-"
"I call didn't I?" he interrupted his blue eyes watery
"yeah, but-"
"But nothing, fuck this." he added as he started to march off the opposite of the library. I stood angry but mostly confuse.
Harry had stayed and still made no comment, it seem that he still seem angry and rejected. He didn't even look at me, just towards the way were Louis had marched off to. everything just felt awkward right now.
"Harry, let's go and see Marcel" I said trying to decrease the anger, confuse and awkward air
He just nodded and followed me to the library. Ready to see a lost and patient boy.
"Louis, calling? Is this a joke?" Marcel said not believing a word I had told him since the whole Louis and conversation went
We stood outside of the front of the school
"Marcel, its the truth I guess he felt bad that he had to go back to get help" i push my hair back
"Whatever... Louis is still a-"
"Dick?" I interrupted and smiled at him goofy like
"I was going to say rude person" he finished his eyes widen when I mentioned the word 'dick'
I laughed and said, "really? That was on your mind?"
He laughed also pushing back his glasses
"Well, bad words are disgusting"
I smiled as we walked home. Marcels house wasn't far from this school either so we decided that I'll take him home after school. We walked and talk and laugh. Harry was nowhere in view, but maybe he was waiting for Marcel inside their home.
Fifteen minutes later pass and we already are in front of Marcel's house. It was a beautiful color of dark blue and roses surrounded his home. Two big pine trees in between the house it looked so nature like. Mine wasn't the best , with its white brick walls that captures the front and the windows were plain white but clear.
"So this is it....." Marcel whispered
"Yup" I nodded
"So no Harry around?" he asked hopeful in his eyes
Where could Harry be? Did he cross over yet?
"I'm here" A voice chirped as I look at Harry he stop sideways next Marcel.
"He's here now" I smiled
"Where have you've been?" i ask Harry
"Zayn and Louis?"
"Yup" I nodded
"What is he saying"Marcel decided to ask
" Nothing much yet" I answered
"Ask him to show you what i gave him, I know he has it in his backpack" Harry gestured to Marcels backpack as I seem to forgot to ask about that.
"He wants me to ask you what you got from him" Marcel just nodded
"Oh right" he said as he started to dig inside his backpack. His largely backpack that probably contains lots of extra pencils and book.
Once he found what he was looking for he stood up and held a small crystal white rock that was made as a necklace. It was small and fragile, the rock shiny and shaped as an oval rested on Marcel's had. He handed it to me finally feeling the smooth part of it. I smile as I looked at Harry, he was smirking.
"Wow, its so beautiful" I said
"I know, when we were eight year olds we found that rock next to that well I died in" Harry explained
"He said you guys found this rock next to the well when you guys were eight" I repeated Harry's words
"Yeah we both thought it look so cool, but unfortunately we only found one of these so we fought over it , but than he told me 'let's both have it but keep it safe somewhere. We had kept buried out of the well. Years we forgot about"
"But I didn't" Harry cut in putting his hand on his shoulder while Marcel eyes widened but soften since it was only Harry. His incredible sweet brother
"He never forgotten" I said handing him back the necklace
"I miss you Harry" Marcel started to cry. Harry frowned.
"I miss and love you" he whispered. A tear seem to roll down my cheek as I quckily wiped it away.
"He said he misses and loves you" I tell him
"Whoa..... what's that?" Harry seem to ask looking back on his shoulder.
My face went blank. He sees it. Harry sees the light, the peace he was finally looking for. Where all his troubles can go away but his heart will remain. With these conclusions and foughts we did to have Harry at rest, we all manage to make Harry finally see the light. Oh my god the tears are real.
"Marcel he sees the light" I whispered. Marcel face went blank also
"Harry you go on. Its time to finally go to where you suppose to belong. Don't be afraid" Marcel cut Harry off
I looked at Harry for a puzzled looked but all I see is Harry smiling. He gave him a hug when Marcels face was freaked but joy surrounded him.
"Damn.... please Marilyn. Please look after him" Harry faced me begging as he came towards me. Hugging me with cold that surrounded my atmosphere.
"I promise" I whisper in his ear
He let go and once looked at Marcel as he walked further to the light that I couldn't see. This is the time, the time where happiness will gain and remain in Marcels heart.
"Goodbye bro, I'll see you soon" Harry said
"Granny?" he stopped
"Tell him i see our grandmother" he finish at last when he disappeared . Forever.

Ghost Whisperer//MARCEL FANFIC **ON HOLD**
ФанфикFamily is one thing, but when it comes to spirits, this girl is ready to face them all. All except one. "The dead are talking and she's listening" [MARCEL fanfic]