Part 48

125 5 0

Song: Sorrow
Artist: Sleeping at Last

Cause you never think that the last time is the last time. You think there will be more. You think you have forever, but you don't -Unknown


Things weren't looking good.

Eleanor and I saw blaring lights coming from the windows above the lockers as we trudged through the halls. Our feet silent as we walked.

"They're here aren't they?" Eleanor whispers close to me that I can feel the heat of her breath hit my ear.

"Looks like it" I replied looking up at the red and blue lights that reflected the windows indicating that the police was here.

Somehow we have made it pass the hallway that the dead body was in, my legs still shook with fear when I revision the whole thing again. I told Eleanor to never look beside her so she quickly ran pass the the janitor's closet as quietly as she can. Each step we took made the feeling in my gut more nervous than it already was. I clenched my teeth from chattering and held on so tight on Eleanor's arm - but she didn't mind. As for her she practically was quivering like a chihuahua when we walked carefully through these terrifying, unpredicting hallways.

I could already sense that a bunch of cop cars were surrounding the area but they made no sudden move to break in here. I assume it was protocal to make sure the area was cleared before they get the chance to invade the place. There hasn't been a single shotgun heard but that didn't mean the person who had the gun wasn't still here.

The first place we needed to search was the cafeteria, since that's where I spotted Alfie tonight. He could be there for all we know but I sure do hope he's okay. Even Issaac. As weird as that sounded coming from me - I'd never wish death on anyone. Not even on my enemies.

As some point we reached the cafeteria, but expectively enough - the lights were all shut off. No sound or so far no one seemed to be in here.

"Maybe they both left before the lights went out?" Eleanor breaks the solid silence. Her head tilting sideways in my direction.

"Maybe, but how about the gunshots we heard earlier-" suddenly a loud bang was heard right next to my side of the hallway. Eleanor's shaking hands took matters into speedy mode as she grabbed my forearm forcibly.

The sound was almost similar to a gunshot but not nearly as close. It sounded like something hit the school lockers. Maybe that's what we were hearing in the first place, but I swear it couldn't be. Right now, I wanted believe I was at home in bed, all cozy up with a Netflix movie on my laptop as my two bestfriends joined me and were each both on my sides shielding me from the nightmare that was my reality at this exact moment.

I thought of Marcel and the back of my head a voice telling me that I probably would never see him again if something horrible happens tonight. I wouldn't be able to hear the snorts he would make when he thought his jokes were funny, but really they weren't. Even the small things he did captivated me in the most silliest way. Like I would never be able to see his beautiful wide smile that made his eyes glow like jade stones behind his dorky glasses. The way he'd tilt his head back for more room for laughter or the way he slurred out his words that would make you think he was drunk everyday, but it was the way I was addicted to hearing his voice. He was the first friend who ever made feel wanted in this school.

Then there's Louis, one of the funniest guys I've ever met. Like I said before: I would have never thought we'd be best friends with the guy. After years of his rude comments toward us - Marcel and I accepted Louis in our lives. As if the years he's given us hell never even existed. We found out his true colors, he was nowhere near a bad person. When it came to protecting the people he cared about he was loyal and considerate. It was the way he would fight for you - physically and say the right words to comfort anyone who was going through shit. He just knew the right words to say.

Ghost Whisperer//MARCEL FANFIC **ON HOLD**Where stories live. Discover now