Just Dumb Luck

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The three girls ran to the mess hall. That's where they were most of the time durning rest hour. Or sleeping. If that was the case they'd have to ask Rivky, the director of the camp, to take them into town. Or at least someone. They barged in an thankfully Surelle was there (A/N I'm gonna change Surelle's name to Sarala because that's how literally everyone pronounces her name. And if someone ever says Surf it's Sarala's nickname curtesy of Lizzie AKA liztheunicorn1234 ) So they ran over to her. Since Maria knew how bad the infection was she explained everything to Sarala while Hayley explained where and how she found the cat and Jordana explained what had happened to the cat. After a lot of convincing Sarala agreed to find someone to take them into town. In the end, Rabbi Kabinskiy drove them into town and to the vet. When they got there they didn't have to wait long since the receptionist saw the state of the paw and how infected it was and took them in almost straight away. The doctor examined it and came to a conclusion. He went over to the three females and gently explained to them that the infection was way to big and deep for him to do anything except ammptate and that would cost tons of money which they didn't have. The doctor then told them that the cat had only a few days left to live. On the car ride back they were all silent and exausted. When the got back to camp it was already after night activity so they just went back to their cabins and went to bed. The cat stayed with Hayley. That night Jordana couldn't sleep because she was too worried about to cat so she stayed up late until she finally fell asleep but had a horrible nightmare where the doctor snuck into camp and amputated the cats foot anyways then leaving it to bleed to death. Jordana in the dream then went to Hayley's cabin in the morning before everyone woke up and saw the cat bleeding to death. She screamed and grabbed the cat running to the camp doctor mumbling no and crying the whole way there. Meanwhile out of the dream in the real world Jordana actually sleep screamed waking up her entire bunk, the counsellors, but somehow not the bunk sharing a wall with them. She also started sleep mumbling no as well and started sweating as she thrashed around and rolled over in her bed. The girl under her couldn't stand all the crazy moving and quickly got off her bed and climbing onto her friends bed. Since everyone was now awake this wasn't a problem. The consellors came out of their room and noticed this, immediately trying to wake her up. Back in the dream Jordana was waiting for the doctor to fix up the cat and when he was finished he came out with just the cat's empty corpse. He had taken out all the cat's guts. Jordana screamed again and passed out in the dream, waking up in real life with a gasp and panting "Jorde are you ok?" Her counsellor, Chani asked her "You seemed to be having such a bad nightmare you actually screamed waking up the bunk and us" Her other counsellor Malka said. Jordana didn't respond to them and just kept panting "Jorde?" Chani asked again going to tap her leg. But right as she was about to Jordana threw herself back against a wall like a cornered animal and stared at Chani with huge fear in her eyes. Because she had just woken up from her dream she saw Chani and Malka as the two crazy doctors. Jordana then pulled her legs up to her chest, grabbing her hair as the dead cat had appered in her vision and she scream at the top of her lungs, so loud everyone in the bunk had to cover their ears. When Jordana looked back up the vision was gone and she saw a terrified Chani and Malka and a terrified bunk "I-I... I" She started saying before grunting and jumping off her bed into her shoes and running out the door "Jorde wa-" She heard Chani start to say but the door closed on her words. Jordana ran to the next door cabin, Not the one sharing the wall. The cabin beside their cabin, Hayley's cabin. She quietly opened and closed the door walking over to Hayley's bed to check on the cat. She saw the cat's chest rising and falling. The cat was fine "Thank goodness... It was just a nightmare..." She said and started silently crying. After a while she finally calmed down and sat beside hayley's bed on the floor. She wasn't ready to go back and face her bunk yet so she grabbed Hayley's giant Bone Book and read the whole thing within 2 hours. She then decided it was probably a good time to return to her cabin as the sun was starting to rise. But because of the paper covering the door she didn't realize that everyone had there flashlights on and were now talking to each other. Mostly about how Jordana had scared them and that they hoped that she was ok. Jordana then opened the door and walked in. The entire bunk and her counsellors stared at her. No one moved or said anything, until Chani moved foreward a bit to go hug Jordana "Don't" She said "I'm sorry I cause you all to lose sleep because of me and I'm sorry I hurt and scared you all" Jordana said looking down enoguh that a shadow covered her eyes so that no one saw that she was crying but the tears started flowing down her cheeks and everyone could now see her tears. Her rare tears.


So yeah! Sensitive stuff. And that last sentence that I italisized is the explanation to my new title. So yeah I hope you enjoyed and I have to mention that in my cousins dream everything past the fact that the cat stayed with Hayley didn't happen in her dream. As I said I'm adding my own twists to her dream and after the book if finished I will publish what the dream actually was. Anyways hope you guysenjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye bye bunnies!


(This chapter actually returned to a previous version for some reason but I have managed to fix it. Hope you enjoy!)

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