Epilogue (Final Chapter)

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            Throughout the next few years Jordana and Hayley would return each year and play with Nutmeg and enjoy camp. But that fateful day came where it was time for Nutmeg to go.

            "3 years" Jordana thought as she sat on the bus to camp "3 years, almost 4 years. It'll be 4 years this year. Nutmeg has to go soon" she thought again. She looked beside her at her cousin, Hayley, who had a sullen look on her face which meant she was thinking the same thing "We'll have to lose her again" Jordana thought and leaned her head back in her seat then started looking out the window at the scenery as they drove

          The bus pulled into the camp and everyone started cheering. It drove to the gravel circle where the counselors were waiting. They saw the bus and began what they always did; freak out. Hayley and Jordana got off the bus and were immediately surrounded by counselors who came every year and knew them well. Once they were done hugging them all they broke free from the crowds and went to their cabin. They weren't supposed to but since most counselors made bristle board signs with every girl in the bunks name they found them easily. Hayley and Jordana were put in the same cabin because there was no space in her cabin and Hayley was in the cabin one below her. So Jordana took a top bunk and Hayley took the bottom bunk of the same bed. They found it weird that they hadn't seen Nutmeg yet but they were sure she was around somewhere so they went back outside to get their luggage and brought it back. As they were unpacking Jordana got a sinking feeling, She turned to Hayley and said "We have to go check the back of the cabin" with a voice full of either worry or excitement. Hayley nodded, trusting her cousin in any decision she made, and left the cabin and started walking towards the back.

           She was there. Nutmeg was there, sitting behind the cabin staring into the woods. She then turned and saw Hayley and Jordana and bounded over, rubbing against them since she was used to being able to do that, even as a ghost, but she just phased right through. She looked at them confused and Jordana sighed "I guess because the end is nigh we can't touch her anymore" She said sadly "Yeah I guess so" Hayley said "how long do we have?" she then asked "well we were 2 out of 3 weeks into camp when we found her so I'd say about 2 weeks" Jordana replied and Hayley sighed "ok. Then we should spend as much time together as we can" she said with determination and Jordana chuckled "yeah" she said and they headed back with Nutmeg to keep unpacking

        Everyday they would spend time with Nutmeg. There were boundaries on where Nutmeg could go and if she passed them she'd disappear earlier then she should but they still had fun and were careful.

       But, as it must, that fateful day finally came...

     Jordana and Hayley stood by Nutmeg's grave, which thankfully hadn't been touched, as they watched Nutmeg climb on top of it. Since it was time for her to go they were able to touch her again since it would be the last time. Her ghostly fur was as soft as silk as they pet her for their last time. They were to sad to say anything as Nutmeg began to glow. She started to disappear and they both gathered up the courage to speak and they said together in unison "We love you" and Nutmeg looked at them with a smile then closed her eyes and mewed before fully disappearing, leaving them all alone in the clearing by her grave. Forever lost, Forever missing her as tears fell down their faces and they looked towards the sky. Goodbye little kitty. Goodbye Nutmeg, Goodbye


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