Memories to few

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(The song above accurately describes how they're feeling XD)

It was raining outside which happened to go perfectly with what they were doing. Everyone stood around the small hole in the ground. In front of the holewas a small grave that read 'Nutmeg Ber ???-2017' Which Jordana had made with the wood working materials. The small grave"stone" was obviously made of wood. Thet had decided to bury Nutmeg somewhere no one would or be allowed to go into. The woods. This way her grave wouldn't be disturbed hopefully. Definitely no one was as sad as Jordana and Hayley since they had been there in her last moments. The only people standing around were people from Hayley's bunk and Jordana's bunk, plus a few extra counsellors and Maria. They had given Nutmeg their last name since they were both Ber's and they both looked after her in her final days. As they shovled dirt into the small hole containing a box with Nutmeg's body in it they all watched in sadness. Once she was finally fully buried everyone stayed for a little longer but slowly began leaving until it was just Hayley and Jordana. "She was so young... she didn't deserve to die.." Hayley cried and Jordana nodded. Jordana wasn't the type to cry but she had some tears rolling down her face "there was nothing we could do about it. We just had to make as many memories as we could so Nutmeg will love on in our hearts and memories" She said sadly, placing a hand on Hayley's shoulder. "But we didn't even get to make that many" Hayley cried "there's nothing that can be done now" Jordana said sadly and walked away to the cabins. Hayley stayed a bit longer talking to the grave
Hope you guys enjoy this I'm sorry it took so long to get out!

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