Panicking Boat Rides

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After a while of Jordana crying she fell asleep, as did the rest of the bunk although they had gotten way more sleep then she did. Half an hour later the head counsellors came bursting in, yelling for them to wake up and blasting the music. Reluctantly, everyone, including Jordana, got up and started getting ready (A/N At camp I don't wake up very easily so I'm very out of character in this XD) for breakfast. Jordana was just finishing up when a knock came at the cabin door. She opened it and saw Hayley, who pulled her outside "Nutmeg is gone!" She told Jordana frantically once outside. Jordana was confused at what Hayley had just said "who or what is Nutmeg?" She asked Hayley who, in turn, explained "the cat! I decided to name her Nutmeg after her brown coat. But either way I woke up this morning and she was gone!" Jordana's eyes widened "what!? Where would she be!?" She exclaimed looking around frantically "I don't know!" Hayley said "then let's go start looking!" Jordana said and ran off towards the path in the woods that lead to the road "hey wait up!" Hayley called after her and started running after her trying to keep up but wasn't as fast. They checked the park, the art cabin in the woods, the underground part of the kitchen, and everywhere else they were allowed "ok. Normally I wouldn't do this cause I'm a stickler for the rules but let's sneak down to the lake and see if she's there" Jordana said and Hayley nodded, and they both ran as fast as they could down to the lake without anyone seeing them. They checked the swimming area first but didn't see her until Hayley called out "there she is! I see her!" And was pointing at the boating area. Jordana turned and looked as well and saw Nutmeg as well "then let's go!" Jordana said and ran off towards the boating area. Nutmeg was sitting inside a canoe and when they got there, she started meowing and pawing two paddles. She wanted to go for a ride. Hayley chuckled and turned to Jordana, who hated/was scared of canoes "wanna take Nutmeg on a canoe ride?" She asked with a chuckle. Jordana let out a long, loud, upset groan and said "fiiiiiiiine! But only because Nutmeg is to cute!" She said and stomped off to get a life jacket. Hayley chuckled and got one as well. Hayley got in and sat in the front while Jordana sat in the back because she was better at steering. She also was stronger and pushed them off the dock. There was an empty milk jug to mark where they weren't supposed to pass but they went past it. Thankfully, everyone was busy with breakfast and other stuff to be looking at the lake. They were canoeing for a bit when Nutmeg saw something in the water and leaned over to touch it, causing the canoe to flip and then all falling out with a small scream. Once they got grasp of the situation they looked at Nutmeg then to each other and started laughing. Nutmeg climbed onto Hayley's head as they started pushing the slowly sinking canoe back to the shore. Once they were there they spilled out the water and collapsed on the shore in laughter, Nutmeg curling up between them as they all drifted off to sleep.

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