What Do You Do?

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I don't know what you do to me.
Sometimes, when I look at you or talk to you,
The world around me disappears,
And I don't want the moment to end.
There are things I don't understand,
But one thing I do know is that I want to be with you.
You make me so happy and I don't think you even realize it.
I didn't mean for this to happen,
But it did.
I fell for you,
I don't know how or when it happened but,
It doesn't matter.
Now you know how I feel and I hope you feel the same.
I hope that you aren't playing with me.
I've had these feelings before,
But it wasn't anything like this.
I never knew that I could feel so much for one person.
I never felt all these things before.
You're so different, you care enough to listen.
You listen to me talk about my past,
About how badly I was hurt before.
I appreciate that.
Thank you for that,
For everything,
You have no idea how much it helped me.
Thank you for not changing things despite knowing how I feel.
I was horrified of what might happen if I told you,
That's why I didn't tell you sooner,
I was scared that you would let things change,
But you didn't,
I was scared that if things changed,
I couldn't handle it,
You didn't let my feelings change things,
You let our friendship remain the same,
And truth be told,
I enjoy the small changes made,
I enjoy the cute smile on your face when we talk,
And the amusement in your eyes when I'm at a loss of words,
I actually like when you lean in to hear me better,
I love those little changes,
They make my heart skip a beat,
The way you make me feel is hard to describe,
My feelings are so much deeper than I let you know,
Stronger than they seem,
I just can't risk thinking about myself,
And only myself,
If I do that,
I could lose a friendship that means the world to me,
And I don't think I can handle that,
I can't lose our friendship,
I can't,
I don't know,
Please say you feel the same,
Because I don't know how strong I am,
I hope I can handle this,
I know I'm strong,
But I'm also human,
And I can only take so much,
I guess I'll just have to make my mistakes and learn from them,
That's what they're there for,
Each mistake has it's lesson,
Each one is meant to teach you something,
So I'll learn,
No more fighting,
I'll just wait and see where my mistakes take me,
It sounds worse than it actually is,
I'll know when to let go,
It's all in His hands,
He'll let me know,
I trust Him,
He's the reason I'm happy with my life,
I find my comfort in Him,
And I thank Him for that,
Without You,
I'm nothing,
So thank You for giving me a purpose,
A reason to live,
Thank You for being my reason,
I love You.

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