One In A Million

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You make me feel so many things,
I never expected to feel this much,
I don't understand these feelings,
They leave me at a loss of words,
I can't speak at times,
I just have to smile,
Because just thinking about you makes me happy,
You have no idea how happy you make me,
I haven't felt this way before,
I just don't get it,
I don't know,
It's just so different,
But not the bad different,
The good kind,
The kind you never expect to happen,
The kind of different that you believe happens in fairy tales,
The kind of different that feels to good to be true,
I like that kind of different,
It brings a different type of joy,
It feels like you never want it to end,
You live in the little moments you create together,
And you hope those moments won't end,
You have no idea how much you actually mean to me,
I love you,
I don't just like you,
Or have a crush,
It's more,
It isn't what it seems,
Please stop believing it's that simple,
Because it isn't,
It's near impossible for me to believe that you have those feelings towards me,
I don't know what you see in me,
I don't see anything to like,
You're that different,
I don't see anything to like,
But you see something different,
And you've accepted my differences,
You keep on accepting the parts of my past that I throw at you,
You keep accepting all my emotions,
All the emotions that I throw at you,
I know that they're a heavy burden,
But you take them,
And I highly appreciate that,
Thank you for letting me share my emotions with you,
It's okay if you don't tell me much about you,
Your decision to keep yourself hidden,
I understand it,
I put up those walls to protect myself,
And after I met you,
I slowly began to break those walls down,
I began to show myself to you,
I began to tell you things that no one else knows about me,
Some of the things I've told you is just between us,
I don't know why,
But I find comfort in you,
I feel like I can tell you anything,
You are so special to me,
You're unique,
And you mean so much to me,
You're someone I can't lose,
So I want to ask you,
Stay with me,
Even if it's just as friends,
Because I don't know what I'll do without you,
You've made a huge impact in my life without even realizing it,
Thank you my love,
You're irreplaceable,
And one in a million.

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