Info About Author and Story

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Heyo!!!! It's me Karlena!!! I would like to tell you a few things about me and about this story. I first started to write this while I was at WVU STEM Camp. (Just saying, that was a great camp!!!) I got the idea for my title by listening to one of RED's albums, Of Beauty and Rage. I really suck at coming up with good topics and ideas for books. I thought this was a decent idea. Please give me feedback on it so I can make it better. No seriously, please!

Now some info about me!
1. I love anime and manga
3. I live in the US
4. I am 15 and a sophomore in high school
5. I'm a dork/nerd/geek
6. I'm in Speech and Band

That's all for now. I will hopefully update the next chapter this week. I have a really busy schedule. Anyway, hope you like the book so far!!!

The picture is of me and my friend, Shay.

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