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By Irene Huebra Garcia

Be brave,
Have courage,
They say those things but,
How could I be any of them,

When my world seems to be crumbling below me,
Ready to swallow me whole,
Without a chance or opportunity,
To safe myself,

How can I be brave,
When I can't seem to stand up,
Because of the demons,
Clawing at me,

How can I have courage,
When I know I can't do anything ,
To safe anyone...
To make a difference,

I can't be any of those things,
Not when I've cried oceans,
And bit my tongue so nothing would happen,
When I was afraid,

Afraid I'd do something,
And make it worse,
Make it,
A living nightmare,

Those words seem to not have any meaning,
Not when you can't see the light,
Not when it's pitch black,
Not when you seem to be alone,

When it feels like you're drowning,
In sorrow and sadness,
When you're in the depths of despair,
Forever trapped.

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