Love VS Hate

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By Irene Huebra Garcia

We love
It's a human instinct
We hate
It's a human instinct

Love and hate aren't too far apart,
One minute we love someone,
And the next we wish we hadn't met them in the first place,
They can either love or hate us

We can either love or hate them
We can choose to love...
Or we can choose to hate,
Sometimes the feeling is mutual...

Sometimes... it's not
And we have to learn to deal with it
We can either get over it...
Or we can lay in the bed wondering where you went wrong

Crying ourselves out because your wall had been breached,
Because you loved them too much
To accept they don't feel the same way,
To accept that it might be better without them

That maybe it was a good thing that this happened
That you just weren't meant to be,
But we blind ourselves with hate and sorrow
We hide behind the danger of our feelings

Believing they're safe
Believing that they won't hurt us
As much as they did...
As much as everyone has.

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