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By Irene Huebra Garcia

Don't you ever feel,
Like your world is crumbling
below you?
Like you're being forced into a black whole, where there's no escape?

When you've cried for days,
Don't you ever feel like you don't belong?
You don't fit in?
Or you shouldn't even exist?

Have you ever felt like,
You put on a mask,
Anytime you're with people?
Just so they don't feel your hurt?

Just so they don't feel,
Your sorrow?
Your deep insecurities?
Your nightmares?

Everyone's got a different life,
A different story,
Some sadder than others,
Some end too early,

Do you ever feel like,
the door you were hoping for, would open?
Like that door will fix all your problems?
Like that door is impossible to reach?

Well, it is,
Because it doesn't exist,
Not physically,
Not mentally,

That door,
That you think will lead you to a happy life,
That door that you hope will open,
It won't exist unless you create it,

Sadly not many people have the ability,
To create that door,
To create their future,
To create hope.

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