Reality Check

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By Irene Huebra Garcia

We live in a world
Where you are born
To study, work, have family,
And die

We learn words
We learn the wars
We learn about space
We learn algebra

But after all of that,
All of the hours of studying
Staying up late
Stressing our selfs out

What good does that do for us
We are born, we go to school,
We work, and later on

Why do we learn all of this?
Why do we have to know there are 50 states in the USA
Why do we have to know the war of 1812?
Why do we have to know the scientific method?

After all
We die knowing these things
And for what?
What good does it do to us after we die?

Yeah you might create a cure,
You might impact the world
In some way or another
But, there are approximately 7 billion people in the world

Who says that's going to be you?
Who says you are the "one"?
You might study really hard,
You might get all A's in your classes

But who says you are going to make a difference?

I do... I believe we can change the world,
We can change people's life's for the better,
We can find and create new things that people will remember us by
We can

But do you want to?
Are you prepared to change the world?
It's not going to change over night by the way,
So I'm here right now telling you

Be persistent,
Be someone who'll be remembered
Because you did something great
You changed the world.

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