Chapter 34 ( So...Why are you Back )

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In the car�

MeiZou-�So, where are you going to be staying in Taiwan?�

Vicky-�Ooh� I�ll stay at AhSi�s hotel, that�s why I called him first, but I couldn�t reach him.�

MeiZou-�Ooh� he�s on his honeymoon now.�

Vicky was surprised-�AhSi on a honeymoon, when did he get married, why didn�t my parents get any invitation?�

MeiZou-�Ooh� well, its kind of a secret la� his parents don�t even know about it. Only Da Jie knows, since his parent wouldn�t let him be with this girl.�

Vicky-�Why?Because of his family status?�

MeiZou-�Yup� that�s why he ran away from his family and got married with this girl. His family�s still was looking for him.�

Vicky-�Why do parents always think of their status, never think of their kids� happiness?What about XiMen and Lei, where are they right now?�

MeiZou-�Ooh� Lei is in Japan, working with his dad, and Ximen is here, I guess later he�ll have the same problem that AhSi does.�

Vicky-�What do you mean?�

MeiZou-�What else?Family status la�. His girl friend is a common girl also. She is AhSi wife�s best friend.�

Vicky-�Ooh� so complicated huh?Hey� we finally got here, AhSi�s hotel looks nicer than before�

MeiZou-�Hehe� of course la� you�ve left Taiwan for how many years now?I guess about ten years right?

Vicky-�Hehe� yup� yup� this year would be ten years exactly.� Then both of them got out from the car and walked in to AhSi�s hotel.

Meanwhile, at a big restaurant that was close to the airport, XiaoQiao was hosted a dinner, celebrating the grand opening of her music school. The dinner had started for about an hour but MeiZou still hasn�t shown up. She was kind of upset, and she had tried to call his cell phone so many times, but it was turned off. She started to worry about him. She called to his office, but only the security answered Security told her that the office had been closed for about an hour.

She told to herself-�Where did that MeiZou go?He should have been here an hour ago. What could have happened to him?�

At Maple Hotel

Vicky has already checked into her room. They decided to order from the room service for dinner, since both of them were tired. During the dinner�

MeiZou-�Vic, you haven�t told me your reason for coming back� hmmm... did you miss me so much that you wanted to give me a surprise?�He winked at her.

Vicky smiled-�Hehe� you are just as sweet as before�. Hmm....actually I�m on a business trip.�

MeiZou-�Hmm. so you work now?I thought you came from the Swiss.�

Vicky-�Hehe... actually I�ve been working for a few months now� Hehe since I graduated.�

MeiZou-�Yeah I remember when you called me from your graduation from Stanford and you said you would be going back to Swiss, but I never thought that you would start work this soon.�

Vicky-�Hehe� and tomorrow I�ll have a meeting with you.�

MeiZou was surprised-�What?So you are the representative from The Grand Fortune Bank?Hehe� I�ve never thought before that your parents would send you to negotiate with me.�

Vicky-�Hehe� actually I wanted to give you a surprise ma� that�s why I called you last� Hehe� you should treat me well la� otherwise I won�t approve your proposal.�

MeiZou-�Hey�. Hey�. You shouldn�t say that. Am I that bad, that I never treat you well?�

Vicky-�Hehe� you�re always nice to me� Hmm� MeiZou, why don�t you call XiMen here, to join us?You know I miss him so much and I want to meet his girlfriend too� Hehe� just wondering who�s the girl that�s able to change Ximen�s lifestyle so much.�

MeiZou grabbed the phone from his pocket-�Hey� my phone is out of batteries, can I use your phone while I charge this?�

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