Chapter 20 ( Ximen + XiaoYou )

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Meanwhile at the restaurant in downtown Barcelona, Ximen, MeiZhuo, Xiao You & XiaoQiao had finished their dinner. MeiZhuo decided to give sometime for XiMen & XiaoYou to talk privately since he had been noticing that both of them didn�t talk much. So he told them that XiaoQiao need something and asked them to wait there while he went with XiaoQiao.

Both of them kept silence for a while until XiMen decided to start the conversation�

XiMen-�XiaoYou, how�re you doing all this time?�

XiaoYou, answered unwillingly-�I�m okay�

XiMen-�What about your school?�

XiaoYou-�Hopefully I could be graduated this semester.�

XiMen-�Hmm�. That�s good then�

Then both of them kept silence again for a while until XiaoYou decided to ask him�

XiaoYou-�I�ve heart from ShanCai that you had graduated, do you work now?�

XiMen-�Yeah�I�ve been working for this few months with my dad�

Xiao You-�You�re so lucky, since at this time so difficult to find a job, but you can work right away after graduate and even got high position. I won�t surprise if more meimei will go after you.�

XiMen, surprised with what XiaoYou had said-�It�s not like that, I have no choice, being the only son, since my brother left, I must take care of everything, so what do you plan after you graduate?�

XiaoYou-�of course I�ll find a job.�

XiMen, asked with curiosity-�Will you go back to Taiwan and work there?�

XiaoYou, thinking for a while-�Hmm.. maybe not�..�

XiMen-�So where�re you going to stay after that?Still in Canada or�.�

XiaoYou, interrupted-�maybe I�ll go around the world.� XiMen, looked surprised-�What do you mean?�

XiaoYou-�I have a friend who works at the airline company, she work as a stewardess, she said that her company is looking for some stewardess by this time.�

XiMen, more surprised-�Why do you need to be a stewardess, I thought your major is finance, your degree will be wasted.�

XiaoYou replied confidently-�I used to like a guy, but he rejected me. He said that he is a nice guy to be a friend but he is not a good boy friend. Once he told me that I need to open my eyes since lots of good guys in this world. Finally I�ve realized that he is right, maybe being a stewardess I can meet lots of guy, and maybe among them I could find one that really loves me with all his heart.�

XiMen was shocked with XiaoYou�s answer until he couldn�t say anything. And both of them kept silence again. After a while�..

XiMen-�XiaoYou, you can back to Taiwan if you want and work at my company.�

XiaoYou, surprised-�Why do I need to go back there?It might be regained my past that I�ve been trying to burry.�

XiMen-�But at least you can work in the field that suit with your degree, and for this time our company is looking for the financial analyst.� BUT actually he offered this �coz he wanted her to come back with him to Taiwan since he didn�t want to tell her that he really missed her, he used this reason.

XiaoYou-�I really appreciate for your offer XiMen, but I�ve made my decision that I wouldn�t change.�

XiMen-�So when will you go back to Canada?�

XiaoYou-�I guess tomorrow..�

XiMen, looked surprised-�That soon�?�

XiaoYou-�Why not?I have nothing to do here, ShanCai & Ahsi had left, YeSha might be went home soon, even she�s still here, I just don�t feel right walking around and left her at the hotel.�

XiMen-�Have you booked your ticket yet?�

XiaoYou-�Not yet, I�ll do it tomorrow morning, as soon as I get it, I�ll go to the airport right away.�

Ximen was speechless. Before he could say anything, MeiZhuo & XiaoQiao have coming.

MeiZhuo was trying to tease them-�hey you two, before I left, both of you kept silence, only looked toward each other, after I went for so long, both of you still didn�t talk much, so what�s going on? �

XiMen, stood up-�MeiZhuo� shao lu shuo lah, let�s go back to the hotel.�

MeiZhuo-�hey� hey� take it easy man�. Since when did you become AhSi?Ok� ok� let�s go then..�

Then all of them went back to the hotel.

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