Chapter 12 ( The Ceremony )

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Finally the big day had finally come� The ceremony was to start at eleven o�clock. It was almost eight in the morning and everybody has already woken up. The girls were getting dressed up at Jing�s room while the guys were in Ximen�s room.

In Jing�s room�.

Jing was helping ShanCai to do her make up, while YeSha & XiaoQiao helped ShanCai with the hair. In about an hour everything was done. YeSha & XiaoQiao would be the bridesmaids, since Jing still tried avoided Lei. Suddenly the doorbell started ringing and Jing walked toward the door.

Jing opened the door- �Hi� Da Jie� come in� I�m so happy to see you here. I miss you so much.� And they hugged each other.

DMZhuang- �Hi Jing, I�ve miss you too. Where is ShanCai & AhSi?I went to their room before I came here, but it seems that nobody was there, I thought that I�ve missed the wedding, �coz AhSi didn�t tell me last time where the wedding will be held.�

Jing- �Hahaha� AhSi is always like that, actually we�re all still here, we�ve just finished dressing up and was just about to leave, ShanCai stayed here last night and AhSi stayed with XiMen.� Then both of them walked into the living room where ShanCai and XiaoQiao were sitting.

ShanCai stood up & walked toward DMZhuang & hugged her too- �Zhuang Jie, I�m so happy that you could come, AhSi will se you later, I guess! I�m positive that he will be happy too.�

DMZhuang- �ShanCai, I�m so happy that you two will finally be married.� Then they let go each other.

DMZhuang looked towards YeSha & XiaoQiao-�Hmm� who��

ShanCai interrupted- �Oohh sorry Zhuang Jie, this is YeSha, probably you�ve heard about her & this is XiaoQiao, MeiZuo�s girlfriend�

YeSha & XiaoQiao-�Hi Zhuang Jie� it�s really nice to see you.�

DMZhuang- �Nice to see you too.� Jing-�hmmm� it�s almost 9.30 already, I think we should go, I�ll call the guys to see if they are ready.� Then she walked to the phone.

Meanwhile at Ximen�s room�.

Lei & XiMen were helping AhSi fixed his tuxedo, while MeiZou was on the phone checking on the limos that they had reserved yesterday. In about an hour everybody had been ready to go. Then the phone started ringing.

XiMen-�Wei� Jing ma?�

Jing-�Wei Ximen, we�re here and ready to go, what about you guys?�

XiMen-�Yeahhh� we�re ready to go too, but what about Zhuang Jie?AhSi said she should be here soon.�

Jing-�Ooh� don�t worry. She is with us now.� XiMen- �Hmm� that�s good then, there are two limos waiting outside, you girls can take the white one, and we will take the black one.�

Jing-�Okay then, you guys go first, I�ll wait for about ten minutes otherwise AhSi will see ShanCai.�

XiMen-�Okay then see you there.� And both of them hung up the phone.

After about an hour of driving, the guys have reached St. Ponds Church followed by the girls ten minutes later. The guys were already inside the church when the girls came. All of them especially DMZhuang, YeSha & XiaoQiao who�ve never been there before were amazed with this church. Even though it�s a small church, but when they step in, they feel something different� something they couldn�t quite put heir hands on. Finally the ceremony started after about fifteen minute.

Priest- �Dao Ming Si and Mu Yue ShanCai, today you will be joined in holy matrimony. Today is the day that you will make a promise towards each other. You will also make a promise to God, that the both of you will share all the sorrow and the happiness in you life, the pains and the pleasure, and also the hopes and the dreams whether it succeeds or fails.�

The priest then paused for a second- �Dao Ming Si and Mu Yue ShanCai, do you realized that from now on, you will be belong to each other in this marriage?�

AhSi & ShanCai-�Yes, we do...�

Priest looked at AhSi- �Now� Dao Ming Si, do you take Mu Yue ShanCai to be your lawfully wedded wife, to take care of her from this day on, through good and bad until death do you apart?�

AhSi said with a smile and winked at ShanCai- �Yes, I do.�

The Priest then looked at ShanCai- �Now� Mu Ye ShanCai, do you take Dao Ming Si to be your lawfully wedded husband, to take care of from this day on, through good and bad until death do you apart?�

ShanCai- �Yes, I do.�

Priest- �Now before the witnesses presented here today, I pronounce them husband and wife, if anyone here believes they should not be joined together in marriage, please speak out here or forever hold your peace��

BUT� before the priest had ended his sentence, everyone suddenly heard a voice shout out from behind them- �Wait�wait�� As everyone turned with a surprised look on their faces, they saw ,

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