Chapter 29 ( The Meeting )

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All of them, Ximen, XiaoYou & XiaoGen were really shocked. They had never realized before that they have known each other. All of them were speechless until XiaoGen broke the silence�

XiaoGen-�Have you two known each other?�

Both of XiMen and XiaoYou still couldn�t seem to speak at all since they had never thought before that they just might meet again this soon. XiaoYou was still surprised from the fact that Ximen was actually standing in front of her now�and also standing beside her best friend�XiaoGen. XiMen was still surprised to face the truth that XiaoYou is in fact XiaoGen�s best friend.

Then XiaoGen once again tried to break the silence by waving her hands in front XiMen & XiaoYou�s faces-�Hey guys�. Hello� I�m still here� Do you guys know each other or something?�She said as she looked quizzically at both of them.

Then�both of them finally stepped back into reality

XiMen-�XiaoYou?Is it you?�

XiaoYou smiled-�Yeah it�s me XiMen, how are you?�

XiMen-�I�m fine� I never imagined that I�d see you here�� Lots of thoughts popped into his mind. Such as seeing her here standing next to XiaoGen. He had been ready to propose to her, yet as soon as he saw XiaoGen, he didn�t imagine seeing XiaoYou so soon�

XiaoGen-�Oohh� You two know each other� wow� what a small world�How do you two know each other?�

XiMen-�Ooh� I just met her a couple of days ago in Barcelona.�

XiaoGen-�Ooh really?Did you go to Barcelona?�looked to XiaoYou, disbelieved.

XiaoYou-�Hmm� actually I just arrived an hour ago, I went there for a couple of days. Do you remember, my best friend ShanCai, she just got married to one of Ximen�s best friends. And since I promised you that I would pick you up, so I just waited here. I took the flight just before yours.�

XiaoGen-�Ooh� I see� Hey I think we�d better go somewhere to talk la� hmm� XiMen where�re you going to stay?We can take you there.�

XiMen-�Oohh� I�ll stay at AhSi�s hotel.�

XiaoGen-�Oohh� Maple Hotel� I know that� ok let�s go to the hotel first� so you can check in then after that maybe we can go somewhere.�

Then all of them walked out of the airport. On the way to Maple Hotel, in the car that XiaoYou drove�.

XiaoGen-�XiMen, how long are you going to stay here?�

XiMen-�Oohh� maybe for just a few day.�

XiaoGen-�Hey� You�ve told me that you�re looking for a friend, do you have his address, maybe we can help.�

XiMen was surprised to hear this, since actually the person that he had been looking for was in front of his eyes-�Hmmm� no� I�ve asked someone to look for it.�

After a while more, finally they�ve reached Maple Hotel. Then XiMen checked in to his room, while XiaoYou and XiaoGen were waiting for him in the hotel�s lobby.

XiaoGen-�Hey� I didn�t know before that you knew F4.�

XiaoYou was surprised since she had never told her before about F4, because she had wanted to forget everything related with XiMen-�Oohh� yeah I knew them from ShanCai, but I�m not very close to them. I didn�t know that you knew XiMen as well.�

XiaoGen was thinking for a while-�Yeah� I�ve known him for so long, he was my childhood friend that I had unconsciously fallen in love with, but I guessed he just considered me as his younger sister. That�s why I�ve never told you about him since I wanted to burry all of my past and start with my new life here.�

*****Author�s Note To let you guys know, this doesn�t go exactly off of Meteor Rain. There is such a character, but XiaoYou doesn�t know about it.

XiaoYou was really shocked with what she just heard. So both of XiaoGen and her had fallen in love with the same guy and by this time had been trying to forget him. She really didn�t know what to do, should she give up on XiMen and allow her friend happiness or should she pursue hers�

However since she saw Ximen just a while ago, she�s kind of had a little hope for him, that hopefully she was the one who XiMen had been looking for. And she told to herself, smiled-�Hmm� Maybe I was dreaming� maybe he came here to look for XiaoGen, but he just didn�t want to admit it since I�m here� maybe he didn�t want me to know about XiaoGen�. Hey XiaoYou�. You should be brave to face the truth that he doesn�t like you� why do you keep on dreaming about him.� Then snapped back and looked at XiaoGen.

XiaoYou-�Hmm� even now, do you still love him?�

XiaoGen smiled-�Hehehe� hmm� I don�t really know� however he was my first love. It�s hard for me to forget him�� Then she paused for a while� took a long breath.

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