Chapter 31 ( Who is he Looking for ?? )

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It was ten o�clock in the morning. Ximen just had his breakfast. He has ready to go. He walked out from the hotel holding a bouquet of red roses on his hand. He stopped a taxi and showed him a piece of paper with the address of his destination. The driver took him there. On the way there, he told himself-�Oohh� hopefully I�ve made the right decision. I don�t want to hurt any girl� anymore.�

After a while more, he had finally reached his destination. The taxi stopped, and after giving the driver some money, he stepped out. He stood there in front of the house for a while before walking in to the gate. He pressed the bell, and nobody answered�he tired again�still the same. Then he told to himself-�This should be it, but why isn�t anyone home?�He waited there a while more, until a lady approached him.

Women -�Hi� excuse me sir, are you here to see someone?�

XiMen-�Oh yes�. I�ve pressed the bell twice, but nobody has answered the door. I wanted to ask�is this the house of XiaoYou?�

Women-�Why yes it is. Are you a friend of hers?�She looked at Ximen questioningly.

XiMen-�Yes, I am. I knew her from Taiwan. I�m trying to see her, but no one seems to be home at their house.�

Women -�Ooh� sorry� I think my daughter is still sleeping. I�m XiaoYou�s mom. I just came back from grocery store.�

XiMen bowed-�Ooh� hi� I�m XiMen. I just came from Taiwan yesterday. Nice to meet you.�

XiaoYou�s mom-�Oohh� It�s nice to meet you, too. Come on in.� Then she opened the gate and put the groceries on the floor. But XiMen helped her bring the groceries inside. XiaoYou�s mom nodded graciously at him.

Inside the house�

XiaoYou�s mom-�Have a seat please, I�ll go and wake her.� Then she walked to XiaoYou�s room.

But XiMen stopped her-�Hmm� I think I can wait� just let her sleep a while more. She must still be tired, she came back late last night, right?�He smiled.

XiaoYou�s mom-�Ooh� It�s okay� its almost afternoon. It�s not good for a girl wake up so late.�

Then she walked to XiaoYou�s room and woke her up, she told XiaoYou that someone was waiting for her in the living room. She was shocked when she heard it was Ximen. Then she took a shower hurriedly and changed into her nice dress. After a while, she was finally ready to see him.

XiaoYou-�Hi XiMen��

Ximen was in a world of his own. He was still thinking of what he should say to make her not reject him.

XiaoYou said once again-�Hi XiMen�� and sat in front of him.

XiMen snapped back-�Hi XiaoYou� you look so beautiful today.� And he starred at her.

XiaoYou felt uneasy-�Oohh� thank you�hmm� what can I do for you?Do you want me to accompany you to look for your friend?�She still hasn�t seen the rose bouquet that XiMen has brought, since he has hidden it underneath the coffee table.

XiMen was thinking for a while-�Hmm� actually you don�t need to. I�ve found her.�

XiaoYou was definitely surprised-�Her??�Lots of thought pop up on her mind, she told to her self-�Who could this girl be?�

XiMen seemed know what was on her mind, and he approached her and sat down next to her-�It�s you� XiaoYou.�

XiaoYou was really shocked hearing this, she told to her self-�Why� why are you looking for me?�

And once again it was like XiMen could read her mind-�After you had left Barcelona, I thought of you all the time� I thought about what you said to me and� you are right. You�ve made me change. I�ve missed you so much. I think you should be by my side. Please come back with me to Taiwan.�

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