I Was Wrong About Him

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The first day of school was as predictable as Ai thought it would be. The swarm of new students filling up the hallways, the endless meaningless chatter, the boring introductions, among other things. 'Well not as predictable." Ai later mused as the image of that guy popped into her head. 'Miyuki Kazuya eh?' The first thing that came into her mind when she first saw him was that he was handsome. Like... very handsome and... Pretty. Very pretty. Maybe a little bit too pretty. It almost made her insecure about her own looks so she decided to stop thinking about how pretty he was. (And here we go again).

But the thing that sparked her curiosity the most about him was something that she couldn't quite pinpoint. She usually didn't start interactions with people that easily like she did with him (Especially not with the opposite sex). She doesn't even know why she did it in the first place. For Ai, friendships were unnecessary and distracting since relationships didn't last forever. Most likely she wasn't even going to see her classmates after they graduate high school. If anyone read her thoughts, they would be perplexed as to why she was lingering on her short lived conversation with Miyuki-kun for so long. Since to any other person that wasn't really anything special or intimate but for her it was strange. Something about Miyuki-kun, made her feel comfortable enough to be like that around him, but she didn't know what it was. But why him of all people? He was clearly caught off-guard when she first talked to him and that's not really reassuring.

A week has passed since the first day of school started. She was adjusting fairly well to high school life and everything was going as she expected it to be. Well not really since she wasn't counting on being the class representative. At first she was surprised with herself that she volunteered for the position since she didn't make rash decisions. It was not her in nature. She calculated every situation and always had a plan. So why did she volunteered? It occurred to her in that moment that if she took on an extra responsibility, then that would make her more busy which meant less time at home, so she volunteered. Simple as that. Also she figured that it could look nice on her future college application. College was her next goal in her life. She was obsessed with everything that had to do with science (hence why she decided to join the club) and her dream was to become a doctor. Which is one of the main reasons why she didn't bother with friendships or just with interactions at all. Ai was always a good student and she has to get the highest grades possible in order to get into a good university and then medical school. She didn't have time for fun.

It seems that Miyuki Kazuya shares similar sentiments as her because Ai has never seen him interact with anyone in class other than Kuramochi-kun. At first she thought that they were friends, but now she is not so sure. It seemed that the only thing they did was fight. Usually Miyuki-kun would tease the green-haired teen and in return he would get mad which it just would make Miyuki-kun laugh. But then again it could mean that they are close; she remembered reading something like that somewhere. She thought it was odd that he didn't make any attempts at fraternizing with his peers, considering the fact that he was good-looking and apparently a baseball player. Seidou High School is known for its baseball team and therefore their players are like demi-gods in the school, and she heard her female classmates gush about what an amazing catcher he was since he made the first-string team as a first year, which apparently is almost unheard of.

'Hypocrite much?' Ai thought to herself. She knew that she was considered to be attractive as well and many people had to wonder why wasn't she very popular and friendly.

'Baseball player huh?' She mused staring at his back. It was currently free period and she was reading another book but sometimes she couldn't help but to stare at his back and notice how toned it was. She noticed that Miyuki-kun was reading a book as well even though she didn't know what it was about. Ai was bored so it made her curious. She usually didn't care about what other people were doing but this was slightly different. During the past week she has noticed that he doesn't look nearly as interested in class as he does when he reads that book. 'Probably something about baseball.' She guessed as she tapped her fingertips against her desk in boredom. It's not like she could ask him anyways. Ever since the first day of school they have only exchanged greetings in the morning and only if he was already at his desk. A simple 'Good morning Miyuki-kun, good morning Yukimura-san.' and that was it. Did that bothered her? And why did she care so much anyways?

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