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'What the fuck am I doing here?' Miyuki dreadfully thought as he stared at the front door of Ai's house after he just rang the bell. Reality just dawned on him. What possessed him to basically run all the way to her house when it was almost midnight? After he realized that he was in love with Ai he frantically looked for his shoes and jacket and bolted out of his room to reach her house as fast as possible. Miyuki feared that if he waited any longer then he would psych himself out and not confess to her. Besides he has a rival for Ai's love that he needs to take into account and every minute counts. Well, what's done is already done. Hopefully Ai didn't mind being disturbed this late at night.

Miyuki perked up when he saw the light inside turn on and heard the sound of someone turning the doorknob. This was it. Sweat started to bead on his forehead and he anxiously swallowed hard the thick lump in his throat. When the door opened Ai's figure was revealed. Her eyes immediately widened in shock when she noticed who it was, obviously not expecting to see him. He forgot the last time he had her this close. She looked so beautiful and angelic clad in her white silk nightgown that reached her mid-thigh and highlighted her curves beautifully, she had a bit of bedhead, her eyes were glossy, and her cheeks were adorned by a lovely shade of red probably caused by the cold winter weather. He felt her eyes travel down his body as if she was trying to make sure it was truly him. Ai was at a loss for words not knowing what to say.

The catcher found himself in the same position. Now that he was there and had her up close he didn't know what to say. What was he supposed to say? Miyuki has always been terrible when it came to conveying his feelings. He didn't know where to start. Miyuki looked at her nervously. 'Crap. I have to speak up first. I was the one who came here in the first place.' He berated to himself trying to collect his thoughts.

"Kazuya what are you doing here?" Ai asked breaking the silence in genuine curiosity.

"I came here because I wanted to talk to you. I know that it's late but this is extremely important and I couldn't contain myself and wait until tomorrow to talk to you at a more decent time." Miyuki replied as he locked his eyes with her's.

"Kazuya.." She began with a crestfallen look on her face. "I don't think that this is a good idea. You already said what you had to say and I don't see why-"

"Please, hear me out," Miyuki pleaded as his eyes softened to show his desperation. "It won't take long, I promise." He said as he got closer to her.

"I.." She wanted to protest but seeing Miyuki's determined brown eyes and firm stance the words died in her mouth. "Fine." Besides he was so close to her and his presence always overwhelmed her.

Miyuki sighed out of relief. "Thanks." He flashed her a small smile.

Ai shivered at the sight of his charming smile and averted her gaze away from him to not let herself succumb to his charms. "Make it quick." She firmly said.

"I-uh... Well you see," He awkwardly began and flinched when he saw that Ai shot him a glare. "Ai, you know that I suck at these kind of stuff dealing with feelings, so here I go." Miyuki declared as he took a deep breath.

Ai beckoned him to begin with a motion of her hands and he would swear that he detected a little amused smirk on her face, but couldn't tell with certainty since she quickly composed herself.

Miyuki shook his head to clear his thoughts and cleared his throat. "I wanted to tell you that I wasn't 100% honest with you the last time we saw each other," He said gaining more confidence as he maintained eye contact with her. "I told you that I didn't love you or liked you for that matter, when in reality at that time I had mixed feelings for you. I knew that I enjoyed your company and I'm not just talking about the sex," Miyuki quickly clarified. "I also knew that I cared about you a lot and had no problem admitting that. But when it came to the topic of having feelings for you, I was more on the fence about it. I didn't want to be honest with myself because that would mean that I had to admit some things that I wasn't ready to face."

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