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Ai has been worried throughout the whole game. She knew that even with all of her attention and care from last night that Miyuki shouldn't have been playing in this game. He probably is in so much pain right now which tormented her deeply. He was doing fine as a catcher but she felt her heart wrenched every time he was up to bat and failed to perform because the swelling and the pain were probably preventing him from batting well. Ai also felt bad for him because she knew how much pressure he puts in himself everyday and she just knows that he is beating himself up for not getting a hit. The pressure from the audience was not helping either since it was just yesterday that he left everyone in awe with his homerun. She at least hopes that the game wouldn't exacerbate his injury.

Part of her wanted him to stop playing and go to the doctor immediately while the other part of her completely understood him and wanted him to have enough strength to carry him until the end of the game. Fortunately, he had reliable teammates that helped the team score runs and both Sawamura and Kawakami have done such a great job pitching. Ai wondered whether or not they already know about Miyuki's injury. They had to know something by now since it was clear he was not batting as well as he used to. At the very least Kuramochi should know that he was injured since she remembers that Miyuki told her once that he was annoyingly observant.

For better or for worse they were now in the ninth inning which meant that even if they lose Ai could at least start breathing for the first time in the day. She didn't think that they were going to lose though. This was their time and they deserved it. However that didn't meant that she wasn't on the edge of her seat dreading with anticipation as she nervously gripped the batwing sleeves of her black geometric graphic cardigan that she paired with a black tank top, medium washed distressed jeans, and black boots. She was not just nervous because this was the last inning. If Seido didn't score now then they would lose. Kominato just got a hit and advanced to the first inning which gave them an opening and then it was Miyuki's turn who hasn't had a hit all day. Ai lets out a shaky breath as he swings the bat in the first pitch as Kominato steals the second base.

'That would of have been so dangerous,' she thought.

With the grace of the gods along with her boyfriend's resilience he finally hits the ball all the way to infield making him advance to first base and therefore create hope for the team. Now there are runners on first and third base and it's up to Zono to take all the runners home. Although he misses the ball in his first swing Miyuki took the opportunity to steal second base base while Kominato advanced to third base. Ai was excited that they were trying to flip the game around but watching Miyuki aggressively run stealing bases like that made her heart beat a million times per second. This was certainly not good for her heart and it was certainly not good for his injury.

Zono is cornered 0-2 but he is hanging in there with fouls and balls. Thankfully he hits the ball and it lands over the second baseman making Kominato run from third base to all the way to home tying the game 4-4, and Miyuki was not that far behind not stopping at third base and sliding into home plate making him topple over and lose his helmet in the process. Ai could feel the relief and excitement wash over his teammates when the umpire declared that it was safe and the game was 5-4 now, however she couldn't feel relieved since Miyuki was on all fours on the ground. 'Is he alright?" She nervously thought when she noticed that he was still not moving.

A few moments later he started hitting the ground with his fists which didn't really put her at ease and then he raised his fist in the air in victory.

She laughed feeling silly. 'That baseball idiot sure likes to scare me.' She mused as she felt her nerves calm down.

Yakushi's ace Sanada got the third out with Shirasu. It was up to defending now. If they could defend and not allow any runs then Seido would win and would go to Koshien in the spring. But who was going to pitch now? Sawamura has been doing an excellent job but Furuya is the ace and he is allowed to play one inning according to what Miyuki told her after he got injured. Personally she wanted Sawamura to play just because he brought excitement and pizzazz to the game but she liked Furuya as well and wouldn't mind seeing him pitch. As long as they won the game it didn't really matter at this point.

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