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Miyuki couldn't believe how fast time goes by and that now he was a second year along with Ai. They lucked out and again got into the same class together 2-B, only that this time around Miyuki insisted that she was not going to sit behind him in the same row by the window because he wanted to see her face. So while he chose to sit right next to the window, Kuramochi in front of him like last year, she picked the seat next to him in a different row. It was an adjustment for Ai, but she didn't mind since staring at his back wasn't that much fun either.

Although they were officially dating for about four months or so (Both Miyuki and Ai are not very good with keeping up with dates), the catcher hasn't told anyone that he was dating her and by anyone he means Kuramochi since the shortstop was the only person aside from Ai that he regularly talked to. They didn't really act like a couple at school since it was not in their nature to be overly lovey-dovey in public so no one knew that they were a couple and people assumed that they were single, which lead to both of them being on the receiving end of unwanted love confessions. Taking this into consideration, Miyuki suggested to keep acting like they used to back in their first year and be as discreet as possible. At first he was nervous because he didn't want Ai to think that he was embarrassed of their relationship but she quickly agreed saying that it would be easier that way since they wouldn't attract too much attention. That was one of the reasons why Miyuki wanted to keep their relationship a secret. But it was also because he was afraid of how some girls would act and how they would treat Ai. He knew that he had a lot of fangirls but what he didn't know was how nice these girls were supposed to be. Miyuki would hate for Ai to suffer because she was being bullied again by some jealous girls. It was not just worth it in his opinion. They were very happy this way and they didn't need the world to know about their relationship.

On a lighter note, he was also worried that his teammates would 'bully' him as well. Miyuki deep down knows that his teammates are overall good people and nothing like his previous teammates from junior high. They would never seriously bully him and they actually value him as an integral part of the team even though they didn't like his personality. This was one of the reasons why he feels so committed to Seido and actually cares about them. Seido in a lot of ways is like the home he didn't have. He would never let them know that though since he still has trust issues due to his relationship with his father and the bullying that he endured. Although he knew that he would never endure that kind of bullying here, that didn't mean that his teammates wouldn't give him a hard time about having a girlfriend. He already could imagine them being shocked asking how someone can be interested in him, and how it was not fair that he has a girlfriend when he didn't even care about girls in the first place. Miyuki predicted that Kuramochi and Isashiki-senpai would be the ones who would be livid and give him the hardest time.

Staying on the baseball topic this past month of May has been really interested. First, he found out that that kid Sawamura chose to come to Seido and that excited him because he seemed to be unpredictable and a little bit of a wildcard. The excitement didn't deter him to play an admittedly dirty trick on him on the first day of school when he tricked him into sneaking in the line because they were both late to morning practice. In Miyuki's defense, it was the second time he arrived late to practice on the first day and he didn't want the coach to find out. Unfortunately, it was all in vain because the coach did noticed that he was late and made him run extra laps as punishment along with Sawamura. Luckily for the catcher, the coach let him practice with the team as soon as he apologized, but boneheaded Sawamura didn't fare as well and ran by himself for weeks.

Needless to say, Ai scolded him in numerous occasions for what he did to Sawamura on the first day and urged him to apologize because he was not being a good senpai. Miyuki thought that she was overreacting, but he couldn't deny her wishes knowing that things most likely got out of hand with the poor kid. So beckoned by his girlfriend, he has tried to get on Sawamura's good side by approaching him and helping him warm up sometimes. Well technically that wasn't what Ai told him to do. She told him to apologize to the first year but there was no way Miyuki was going to seriously do that. He hated apologizing and admitting that he was wrong. So being a little bit nice to him was going to suffice. Which for Miyuki was more than enough because the first year was irritating, loud, stubborn, simple-minded, rude, and he also didn't treat him with respect even though he was younger than him. Yes, Miyuki did more than enough to repay his debt.

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