S e p t e m b e r : Winners

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The moment you have been waiting for has finally arrived!  Without further ado, we present to you, the winners for the month of September:

T A G - F E S T : Winner

It is important to felicitate that one person who helped out a great deal in promoting The Lunar Awards and bringing in some exemplary entries. We're pleased to announce the winner of Septermber's Tag Fest: xDRAG0N0VAx Thank you for all your help! It wouldn't have been the same without you.

B E S T - J U D G E : Winner

Judging is a very complicated task. The chosen judge, Beauty_Mintern not only fulfilled the job to the best of their abilities, but managed to go above and beyond in their judgement. The reviews were detailed, analytic and professional. We are really glad to have worked with you and dedicating this chapter to you as a way of saying thanks!

G E N R E - A W A R D S : Fantasy

Fifth Prize:  The Gathering Bloodmoure | JRShepherd | Score: 84/100

Fourth Prize: Queen of the Night | xDRAG0N0VAx | Score: 86/100

Third Prize:  The Shameful Past of Mistress T | VoiceofAlsais | Score: 86.5/100

Second Prize: Traveller | JinnNelson | Score: 88.5/100

 First Prize: Saelin: The Descendant | ray_of_sunshine9 | Score: 89.5/100 (Exceptional writing. Your grammar was point on, the plot progressed in a well ordered manner and the characters were well defined. As quoted by a judge, "Cliffhangers at the end of chapters, anticipation for what would happen, theories (even I've already got some!) growing, so definitely enjoyable."  We hope you keep up the same standard for the future chapters.)

S P E C I A L T Y - A W A R D S: Best Female Character

Honorable mention: Devil Spawn | certifiable2000 | Lontohmia/Mia | Score: 38/50

Honorable mention: Dawn of Corruption | teklis | Alisandra Tatri | Score: 38/50

Runner Up: The Seeds of Streak | abiran1995 | Asuri | Score: 39.5/50 

Winner: The Last Philosopher | NickfEast | Charlie/Charlene | Score: 43/50 (Exceptional characterization! The way you have described her fears, her interactions with other characters, her interactions with the story as well as her strengths: it was well written and developed. With a little editing in terms of grammar and punctuation, your story has great potential!)


Congratulations winners! Your books deserved it. The hard-work you have put into editing, brain storming and analyzing the various elements is seen in the way the plot unfurls.

A huge shout-out to the other shortlisted contestants for coming this far and putting up a tough fight; the competition was intense and different judges loved different stories. Since most of you lost marks in the grammar/punctuation section, we suggest you find a ruthless, critical editor: they make all the difference in the world.

We'll be joining you with another genre (HUMOR) and another specialty (BEST SUPPORTING CHARACTER) from the 1st of October. The nomination guidelines have been changed: please look over the Deadlines, Judging Guidelines and Rules chapters for more details.

Looking forward to reading more of your books!

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