*Nine*{Klayton's P.O.V.}

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After many weeks of searching with the rescue team, we finally found the remains of the plane, and what was left of the survivors bones...but after careful counting, and looking thru the log book of the private flyer, there was two body's unaccounted for, and I knew right away that one of them was his brother, I moved away from the plane and looked into the vast part of the desert, and looked in every direction and asked out loud where Crisstopher was, and which way did he travel in. The rescue team said they would hire a helicopter to fly thru the desert to see if they could see any live persons walking mindlessly thru the desert, but they said it was very unlikely that anyone would survive for very long without the proper resources.

I gave them a devilish smirk and told them that my brother was very resourceful, and he wasn't about to let a desert get the best of him. But on the inside, I was very worried for my crazy younger brother from another mother...especially if he and his living companion went east, which was moving further into the most desolate part of the desert, instead of civilization. I dusted myself off and jumped into the rescue vehicle with the others and pulled out and headed back to their station so we could fuel up a chopper, and fly around the desert to see if we could find them...but even in a helicopter, the rescue team said it was a very slim chance that we would find them...because the desert was so large and open, and there was no way to know which direction they went in, and because of constant winds and sandstorms, there would be no tracking their footprints.

I looked at the guy and told him thanks for stating the fucking obvious...then I hopped in the chopper and told them to hurry up that we were wasting daylight, and every minute we wasted sitting around chattering, we lost valuable time that we could be searching for my brother. Just as the chopper headed out Mama D gave my phone a buzz and asked me if I found him yet...but I told her, no, but then I told her not to give up on me yet because I was still on the hunt and I wasn't giving up until I found him. I did tell her that I found the plane they crashed in, which told us that Criss was still alive, with one other survivor, and that they were somewhere in the desert...and it was only a matter of time before we found them. She told me alright trying to hide her emotions, but I knew she was crying with fear and worry for her little boy. I gave her a kiss thru the phone and told her that I was in a helicopter as we spoke searching the desert for any human life moving around beneath me. Mama D kissed me back and wished me the best of luck in finding him, then hung up the phone and went back to her rocking chair to worry while sipping quietly on her tea.

Beens the rescue team only had one helicopter, we had to take our time and the first direction we went in was South, after flying all day and no luck, something internally was telling me he didn't go in this direction, but the pilot said he was making a thorough search and going as far south as he could until he got out of the desert, then the next direction would be north, and we would travel that direction until we made it to the other end of the desert...and still if we didn't locate anything, we would head east which led deep into the vast desert, where the fucking buzzards wouldn't even dare to fly. Me I wanted to take the eastern route first but they said it was the last direction they would take, just because it was the most dangerous, and longest travel.

So I just sat back and kept the high-powered scope up to my eyes and searched for any moving objects on the desert floor beneath us. Hours went by and we scaled the entire area until nightfall, then we headed back with absolutely nothing...I wanted to keep searching with the night scope and spotlight, but they said they were low on fuel, and needed to head back before we ran out. I tossed the scope in the seat and told them we were going to head out again first thing in the morning. The pilot looked back at me and said we wouldn't be starting until after 9:00 in the morning because he had to maintain his chopper and clean out all the desert dust from his machine or it would gunk up and we would need to be rescued from our crash.

Once we landed I went straight to the hammock and crashed...after I said a little prayer for my brother, hoping that he was still alive and that I would find him soon. That night as I slept I just kept seeing my brother dying in the desert, and reaching out for me, begging for my help...but as I made it to him...it was too late, and dies in my arms. It woke me up and I was in a panic and drenched in sweat...I tried to settle down just enough to get back to sleep but I knew that wasn't happening...so I just laid there and looked up at the ceiling, waiting for the morning to come, so I could help the pilot clean out the chopper, so we could get a slightly more early of a start...I needed to find my brother before my nightmare came true...if it hasn't come true already, and all I brought out of the desert was his remains...but I wasn't about to dwell on that nightmarish thought...nope my brother was going to be fine and all he would need was to be was rehydrated and plenty of rest, and he would be ok.

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