*Sixteen*{Kc's P.O.V.}

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That night as he slept, I stayed awake, not due to his fever this time, but because he was talking out of his head, in his sleep...which wasn't a good sign at all. It meant that the venom has made it to his brain because he was talking to people that I knew were dead...like his father and his grandparents. So I waited for the sun to come up, and as soon as it did, I was packing up and going to make him walk some more with me and pray that today we would find some sort of life other than our own...like a road or some form of civilization. We had to, Criss's life was standing on the razor's edge, and the Indian home remedies that I was using were not healers...it was just a way to delay and weaken the power of the venom until we could get to proper medical treatment.

I pulled Criss to his feet, and told him we needed to get moving...he just kept grumbling and moaning and pulling himself back down, and said he couldn't go anymore...he just wanted to sleep...I pulled his head next to my heart and begged him not to quit on me now...as I rubbed some of the dirt and sweat from his face, and kissed him. Criss looked up at me and touched my face as a few tears fell from my eyes, Criss brushed the tears away and somehow it gave him an inner strength and he stood up on his own and said the only way he would give up on me, was if he was drawing his last breath, but until that time, he would fight it and keep walking with me.

I held onto his hand and told him to let me help him. He didn't say another word for the rest of the time until we decided it was time for a drink break. I knew he was pushing himself too hard...and just for me but I was hoping that he would be ok. But he wasn't going to be, shortly after our drink break, and a half hour into our walking again, he passed out and fell to the ground, I grabbed my bandanna and put some water on his face, and begged him to wake up...I held him close to me as I began to cry. I grabbed the bag and pulled out the last bird I had and cut it open and placed on his bite, then added a little water to it and wrapped it up. Then I took the sheet out and made a quick makeshift awning to keep the sun off of him.

I was in full panic mode, but I needed to do something so I jumped up after I kissed him and told him I would be back...then I ran all the way up to the top of the dune to take a look around...as I checked the landscape over and over again, I thought I saw it...but I had to rub my eyes a few times just to make sure it wasn't another mirage...it wasn't!!! It was a road! I was hollering down to Criss, but I was too far away for him to hear me...and the wind was blowing against me...so my words were coming back to me and blocking them from his ears. I noticed Criss sitting up and his mouth was moving...when the wind finally carried his words to me, I knew I had to get down to him fast...he was talking with his dad again. I got halfway down to him, and he was no longer talking to his dad, he was hollering for me...begging me to come back and not to leave him alone out here!

I finally reached him and as soon as he saw me he was up and in my arms begging me not to leave him alone...that he was trying to keep up...I wrapped my arms around him, and calmed him down and told him I would never leave him...then I kissed him and told him we needed to keep moving because just over that dune, was a road! and then to civilization! Criss looked up at me and gave me a sweet smile and asked if we were really going to make it. I gave him another hug as I grabbed the sheet and told him we were going to make it even if I had to carry/drag him the rest of the way. Criss wrapped his arm around me and tried to keep his strength up for me, as we walked a little faster for the dune. 

Once we made it to the top of the dune, I pointed it out to Criss, and he said he saw it too. Instead of walking down the dune, we slid down it...it wasn't the best way to go down, but it saved a lot of time and walking. But Criss was a lot weaker than he thought, for we were still quite a ways from the road, and Criss passed out again, the venom, the heat, and lack of decent food and enough fluids, Criss's body was giving up on him. I wasn't going to let him stop this time though, so I pulled out the blanket and rolled him on it, and drug him to the road while he was out...hoping that just maybe a vehicle would pass by and see me struggling...and rescue us.

I finally got him to the roadside but was too tired to go any further so I fell down and pulled out the sheet, to cover both of us, as I pulled him into my arms and kept telling him to hold on and to stay with me, that help would come for us soon...I leaned back and let him use me as a pillow as he wrapped his arms around me still very much out of it...as we both just lay there hoping that the road was an active one and that someone was using it shortly. I soon fell asleep from the extreme heat, and fatigue from dragging him behind me.

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